Funkipedia Mods Wiki


Outdated Page

I mean, what do you even want, kid? I'm irrelevant! Obsolete! - Weegee

This page is out of date, which means the mod has either released or received the long-awaited update. Remove this template only when at least more than half of the new content is present on the page. Don't forget to always check social media in case more trivia has been posted.

Reason: Overhaul update is out.


Upcoming Content

I don't know I'm good at singing, but I do know i'm good at entertaining. Let's go. - StickyBM

This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information.

Upcoming: 1.1

Bambi's Deathwish is a mod that adds 1 song and 2 characters. Bambi wished on something, but that was a mistake. Now, Bambi has to try to get Dave back! But how?


Dead Dave[]

― Dave, Post-Splitathon

Dead Dave is a dead version of Dave that is, well, dead.


Dead Dave looks like a three-dimensional human that is light-skinned and has brown hair. Dead Dave has a blue shirt, blue pants, and black shoes. Dead Dave is sitting in a black wheelchair with two big, gray, and circular wheels. Dead Dave has black eyes and a black mouth, too.

Normal Dave looks like a two-dimensional version of Dave but except he has pupils and a sclera.


  • This version of Dave is dead all because of a wish that Bambi had.
  • You can only play Original Dave on the third version of the song on the freeplay menu, or if you change the opponent to original dave, or if you play Deathwish on hard.



I GONNA BLOCK YOU OUT OF MY FARM! You never coming back ever again you dirty ole' rodeo trash.
― Bambi, Blocked

Bambi is a playable character in this mod.


Bambi looks like a tall humanoid figure with a red shirt and blue pants in his three-dimensional form. Bambi is also wearing a green hat.

Origin Bambi has an appearance of a smaller three-dimensional Bambi but except two-dimensional and has blue overalls.


  • You have an option to play as Three-Dimensional Bambi or Original Bambi when you play Deathwish.


Trivia (General)[]

  • Despite there being extra characters in the thumbnail of the mod besides Dead Dave and Bambi, they don't appear in the mod.
  • Deathwish appears on the freeplay menu three times but all of them have different icons. The first one has Dead Dave's icon, the second one has Dave's icon from Vs. Dave and Bambi, and the third one has Daddy Dearest's icon.
  • Exiting Deathwish will bring you to the freeplay menu.


BPM: 135 (Normal and Hard)
Scroll Speed: 2.6 (Normal and Hard)

Gallery (General)[]

Download Link[]

Gamebanana Gamebanana
