Funkipedia Mods Wiki
Warnings: Copyrighted Audio
Notices: Unfinished Page, Unfinished Mod


Unfinished Page

(...keep calm Macy, Misc. Celeste-Related Mods's only like, 2 feet tall they can't hurt you.) - Macy

This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!


Work In Progress Mod

This is a good time to collect our thoughts, and reflect upon what we have born witness to so far. - The Boss

This mod contains in-development content that is subject to change. The contents of the mod may not be present in the final result.
Not to be confused with Template:Stub

Reason: In regards to "Celeste Mountain Funkin'".


Copyrighted Assets

This is fucking dumb, no one is even getting money from this mod! - Spong

This article contains copyrighted music, files, or other copyrighted assets that can claim copyright infringement.

Reason: "Resurrections Chase over Thorns" uses copyrighted audio.

See also: Cliff Clash

This page is for miscellaneous mods related to the 2018 video game Celeste.

Mod Info[]

On 20 Jan 2021, GameBanana user regulad uploaded two palette swaps for Girlfriend: one resembling Madeline, and another resembling Badeline. Only .FLA files are currently provided.


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Celeste Mountain Funkin' is a skin pack by RunicCF. It replaces numerous graphical assets with Celeste characters and locations.

  • Boyfriend is replaced with Madeline.
  • Girlfriend's sprites have been blanked.
  • Daddy Dearest is replaced with the Old Woman.
  • The Week 1 background references the Prologue.
  • Pico is replaced with Badeline.
  • The Week 3 background references Chapter 2.

According to the GameBanana page, the Spooky Kids are planned to be replaced with Theo, and Mommy Mearest is planned to be replaced with another instance of Badeline.


Download Link[]

Exactly what it says on the tin: Thorns is replaced with a segment of "Resurrections", a track from Celeste's OST. Charted by OverMask.

Resurrections Chase over Thorns
BPM: 150; 190
Scroll Speed: 1.5 (Hard)


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A reskin mod by AquaXern. Boyfriend's Week 6 sprites are redone in the style of Celeste Classic.


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  1. 1.0 1.1 The Boyfriend resprite seen here is actually from Volatilemask's "Girl Boyfriend" mod, and is not included with "Resurrections Chase over Thorns".