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This article contains potentially sensitive content that may be discomforting or upsetting to certain users. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: Carbon Copy can be unsettling to some. Also Adeleline is from the Kirby Series, which is known for it's dark lore.
Singing Cerulean Symphony's favorite song might call out their attention and stuff. - Shaggy
This article contains copyrighted music, files, or other copyrighted assets that can claim copyright infringement.
Reason: Princess Athena and Athena Asamiya are from SNK, Sonic is from Sonic the Hedgehog and Arle is from Puyo Puyo, which are both owned by SEGA and Adeleine hails from the Kirby franchise, which is owned by HAL Labratory and Nintendo.
I have been stuck in Cerulean Symphony for god knows how long, much longer than you can imagine, that one's for sure. - Austin
This article currently has 68,682 bytes, and could take a long time to load. Please proceed with caution and wait for it to load patiently.
Until me and my friends make new games to play with you... see you next time. - MX
This mod is currently a demo and/or has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information.
Upcoming: Version 4.0 was confirmed to be in development.
WHO ARE YOU??? - Tricky the Clown
One or more of this mod's versions/download links are either withheld, on hold, privatized, or trashed and are no longer available. However, other appearances are still easily accessible.
Note: Princess Athena's solo mod has been privated and all of it's content has been moved to The Weeg Mod.
(...keep calm Macy, Cerulean Symphony's only like, 2 feet tall they can't hurt you.) - Macy
This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!
Reason: The 4.0 demo, Menu Sampler, AND Encore Update are all out.
Not to be confused with Weegee (who appears in this mod)
- See also: Weegee (disambiguation).
Cerulean Symphony is a mod directed by Weeg, featuring a mixture of her characters, established characters, and her friends' characters. Development is still ongoing, and updates are posted on the mod's official Twitter account.
This mod also crosses over with Friday Night Funkin' Sonic's Rhythm Rush, Friday Night Fever, YTP Invasion and the Bowie & Ribbon mods.
Taken from the GameJolt page
WEEK A: Grand Central Symphony
While out and about, you happen to bump into an up and coming rock star who doesn't mind a little bit of fun competition! She's... just a little too into it.
WEEK B: Athena on Stage
Accidentally crashing yet another concert, the legendary idol Athena Asamiya... really doesn't care. In fact, she's actively encouraging you to go up and duet with her! Nothing can stop you two, not even divine intervention!
WEEK C (v3.0): funkin.exe
When translated, this reads, "You think you can just get what's gonna happen from decoding this? Nah. See ya in October!"
WEEK D: Call me Zuki! (Will soon become Week C in V4)
After setting up the new jukebox in her cafe, a robot girl by the name of Kazuki is looking for the right way to test it. Luckily, it just so happens just who she needs walks right through the door...
WEEK D (v4.0): Funkin' of Puyo Puyo (WIP)
Replacing the (okay at best) Carbon Copy, it's Arle! Good luck against her!
A vocal cover of "Ochame Kinou" |
Another remix of "Psycho Soldier Theme" from Psycho Soldier |
A remix of "Modernism Street" from Melty Blood Actress Again |
A remix of "Blue Underground Lake" from Psycho Soldier. |
Arrangement of I Love You. |
Arrangement of I Love You. |
1.5 (Normal) 2 (Hard) |
1.5 (Normal) 2 (Hard) |
2 (Normal) 2.5 (Hard) |
1.5 (Normal) 2 (Hard) |
1.5 (Normal) 2 (Hard) |
2 (Normal, Normal-Old & Hard-Old) 2.5 (Hard) |
2 (Normal) 2.8 (Hard) |
1.8 (Normal) 2 (Hard) |
2.2 (Normal) 3 (Hard) |
1.5 (Normal) 1.8 (Hard) |
2.5 (Normal, Hard) |
1.5 (Normal) 2.5 (Hard) |
1.8 (Normal) 2.4 (Hard) |
New third song for Week 2 added between South and Monster |
Cover of "Cinderella" from Yakuza 0. |
2.4 (Normal) 2.8 (Hard) |
2.5 (Normal) 3 (Hard) |
3 (Normal) 3.5 (Hard) |
2 (Normal) 2.8 (Hard) |
3 (Normal) 3.5 (Hard |
1.8 (Normal) 2.6 (Hard) |
1.6 (Normal) 2 (Hard) |
Kazuki Bopeebo Dialogue[]
Daddy Dearest
Hey you! What are you two doing here?!Kazuki
Oh! My apologies, Mackenzie and I were practicing our duet and...Kazuki
Aren't you... my second cousin's girlfriend's ex-rockstar dad?Kazuki
Hehe... that's a bit much, isn't it.Daddy Dearest
What about it? What does that have anything to do with you?Kazuki
Would you like to sing with me? I rarely do so with anyone other than my dear beloved over there.Daddy Dearest
...Alright, but only because you asked so nicely. Let me guess, three and that's i-Kazuki
Affirmative.Daddy Dearest ...
Note: The dialogue for Week 3 is currently formatted incorrectly and can currently only be accessed in-game while playing as Pico.
Coffee Date Dialogue[]
Beep boopMacy
Oh! It's you! Zuki's little rapper cousin dude!Macy
She's always telling me stories about who you go up against!Macy
Like that Norwegian dude... oh, and my old boxing coach Matt too!Macy
You know, he called me his best student?Macy
Wait, I'm getting sidetracked here.Macy
What's up?Boyfriend
Badaboopbeep babupMacy want ME to be your next opponent?Macy
Can't say I'm the best but sure, why not! I always like a little competition.Macy
C'mon, let's do this!
Old Electromace Dialogue[]
Sorry, there was something in my throat there.Macy
So how was that?Boyfriend
Beep bodabop bada bop be bo beeboopMacy
(...keep calm Macy, he's only like, 2 feet tall he can't hurt you.)Boyfriend
Ugh... you are SO on for another round, kid.
Pico Gigavolt Dialogue[]
You know what, you changed my mind veggie lady.Macy
You're not a bad singer.Macy
Aw, thanks I-Pico
You're a horrible singer.Macy ...
Listen here you little shit.Pico
Woah we're using big boy words now huh?Macy
You want something good?Macy
Yeah ok whatever now wheres your overhyped final form.Macy
Who needs one when you got SICK ASS BEATS.Pico
Oh. Ok.Pico
Lmao couldn't afford one probably.
Post-Gigavolt Dialogue[]
Macy ...
Boyfriend ...
...sorry about that.Macy
I sometimes forget just how competitive I can be.Boyfriend
Yeah, no kidding.Macy
Huh? You talk?Macy
You don't just go "beep" and "boop"?Boyfriend
...beep?Macy ...
You guys seem like you're in a rush, what's the hurry?Boyfriend
Bop bep!Macy
A concert?Boyfriend
Bop babeepbah!Macy
That's... actually kind of funny, I didn't know you were a fan of Athena's as well!Macy
Me and my girlfriend Kazuki are going as well!Macy
So uh...Macy
See ya there!- [...]
Old Post-Gigavolt Dialogue[]
Macy ...
Boyfriend ...
Macy ...
Well, uh...Macy
Sorry 'bout that.Macy
I've been told I'm a bit of a sore loser.Boyfriend
What was that?Boyfriend ...
You've got skill dude! SERIOUS skill!Macy
I look forward to seein' you around the city!Macy
And, um...Macy
Sorry for making fun of your height...Boyfriend
Anyways, I gotta go, my mom's probably waiting for me at the karaoke bar already.Macy
See ya!Narrator
And just like that, Macy rushes off towards a train platform.Narrator
All's well that ends well, right?- [The following dialogue only has a 30% chance of appearing]
- [...]
Hey mom, I'm here!Macy
Who's your friend?Mommy Mearest
Oh, Daph! Is this that daughter of yours you keep mentioning?
Note: The dialogue is shown by via pop-ups, all of them will be listed as "Narrator".
Carbon Copy Dialogue[]
- [Null Object Reference]
Well, this certainly isn't what I expected.- [While the pop-up name is "Error?"]
It's a pleasure to meet you.- [While the pop-up name is "FATAL EXCEPTION OCCURED AT assets/songs/keygen.txt", in which leads to a .txt file that says "V0lHR0xFU1RBVEUuSFggTElORSA2Mg==", in which translated to "WIGGLESTATE.HX LINE 62" in Base64.]
Now, why don't we get started.- [While the pop-up name is "QXRoZW5hJ3MgbmFtZSBpcyBtYWdpYy4=", in which translate to "Athena's name is magic." in Base64.]
I Love You Dialogue[]
Well look who it is, Mackenzie!Kazuki
This is that second cousin I keep telling you about!Boyfriend
Beep! Baboopbopbep.Kazuki
Hm?Kazuki two know each other already?Macy
Yeah... it's a long story.Boyfriend
Bep bopbopbembedubibidy bap.Kazuki
You "smoked her"? Good job!Macy
BF! Since you're here, can you help me with something?Boyfriend
Well, it's simple... all I want is one thing.Kazuki
For you to sing your heart out!!Boyfriend
Mackenzie, why don't you come over here and choose a song for us!Macy
Oh, uh ok!- [*click*]
Sunnyside Up Dialogue[]
Kazuki ...
...Mackenzie, wasn't that the song I wrote for you?Macy
Yeah... never get tired of it...Kazuki
That's sweet!Kazuki
However, how can I say this...Kazuki
It's a bit too slow to truly test the limits of the jukebox.Macy
Wait wha-Kazuki
Oh! I know!Kazuki
I'll let you choose! Just make sure it has a higher average NPS.Boyfriend
...beep... bep!Kazuki
...Sunnyside Up? Okie dokie!Kazuki
Though... I would have thought you'd go for something silly, like Squeak, but this works too!Kazuki
Don't dissapoint me!
Achievable Fantasy Dialogue[]
Hehe... you're doing juuuuuust great! I could go on for houuuuurs.Boyfriend
Ohhhh those lil... spinny gold ones? They won't hurt ya TOO bad.Boyfriend
??? Don't ask me what's going on with her, she doesn't excert herself like this all the time!Macy
I guess you can say that she has...Macy
A couple screws loose- [*Boyfriend hits Macy with his microphone*]
Ok ok, fine I'll go get her bed ready.Macy
Stupid... smug BF...Pico
Come on come onnnn let's do one more I wanna go allllll outBoyfriend
Post-Achievable Fantasy Dialogue[]
Okaaay I'm back ba-Macy
Oh my god.Macy
She fell asleep.Kazuki
Oh, right! Uhhh.Macy
Gimme a sec, lemme get this one up to bed first then I'll take your order.Pico
Forest World Dialogue[]
Athena ...
Ugh, everything's so... BORING.Athena
There's not even a "Door That Shouldn't Be Opened C", even if I wanted there to be one...Athena
Oh? What's this?Athena
A little concert? I haven't crashed one of those in a while.Athena
Hopefully they won't mind a little...Athena
Divine intervention...
Old I Love You Dialogue[]
Oh! Boyfriend!Boyfriend
I've been looking for you for a while.Kazuki
I couldn't help but notice you singing with Mackenzie after I dropped her off here.Kazuki
Which is why I want to ask for a favor from you.Boyfriend
Would you like to "have a go" with me? I composed a song for her, and I'd like to see if you like it.Boyfriend
Great! I call this one...Kazuki
..."I Love You".
Trivia (Cerulean Symphony[]
- Midtown Station's background contains characters in the foreground, watching Boyfriend and Macy. These are almost all characters or sonas created by Weeg's friends, including, from left to right:
- MochaDrawss
- Amabel by diddy
- Athena Asamiya, who also appears on a poster in the background itself
- Susan by ScoutMan
- Gumi by Weeg
- Mercury by Jay
- During GIGAVOLT, Kazuki also shows up in the background, cheering the combatants on.
- The Cerulean also features background cameos, in the form of characters walking by the cafe's window. These include:
- Jake, Tricky, Fresh and the Inspector from Subway Surfers
- Ron and Little Man from Bob's Onslaught
- Matt from Eddsworld
- Sans and Papyrus from UNDERTALE
- Fever and Tea from Friday Night Fever
- Techpack from TECHPACK with Mr. Game and Watch
- Hank, Sanford and Deimos from Madness Combat
- Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose
- Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club
- Reverie, by durrealism
- Spooky from Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion and The Puppet from Five Nights at Freddy's
- Tioda and Audie, by Zonian
Trivia (Weeg Mod)[]
- In Spirit's winning icon, he is making the infamous "PogChamp" face.
- Week A's background features many cameos of characters from video games, other mods and friends' OCs, each in a group that has a 1 in 3 chance of appearing during each song. The characters present include, but are not limited to:
- Daphne Cortez, Macy's mother
- Henry by TiniestTurtles
- Toad Dad by Gazoogaloo
- Digi by Kirbymario3
- Goose Man by JZ
- Bun Bun
- Chadwick Swaggin by BurnOutFunny
- enricooler
- Groob by UseCommercial
- Don by KiyloSpooks
- Py-con by TheComiCoalMan
- Emily by emperonan_
- KManIsBack
- Blantad
- Idgit by IdyllicIdgit
- Reverie by durrdotpng
- Mario & Luigi
- Sans
- Scooby Doo
- Fancy Pants
- Alien Hominid
- A Crewmate from Among Us
- Doctor Eggman
- Mr. Game and Watch
- Ness
- Potter Puppet Pals Severus Snape
- Dark Matter
- A female Mii
- Sanford
- Mega Man
- Athena Asamiya
- Carol
- Whitty
- Hex
- Sarvente
- Zardy
- Sketchy
- Tricky
- Mean BF
- Lila
- Matt
- Cassette Girl
- Sunday
- Pep (B3 Monster)
- Kade Dev
- Ayana
- Week D's background as well features a bunch of characters that walk by in the background, similar to The Date Week:
- Ron and Little Man from Bob's Onslaught
- Papyrus and Sans from Undertale
- Hank J. Wimbleton, Deimos, and Sanford from Madness Combat
- Reverie by durrdotpng
- Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club!
- Matt from Eddsworld
- Jake, Tricky, Fresh and the Inspector from Subway Surfers
- Sonic and Amy
- Bob and Bosip (will be replaced in v4, due to controversy surrounding AmorAltra).
- Mr. Game and Watch and Techpack by Techpack
- Fever and Tea from Friday Night Fever
- As of Version 3.0, there is one song hidden from the freeplay menu: Senpairella. To access it, Kazuki has to be selected as the playable character in the song Senpai.
- In addition, there's one last song in the sound test under the Bonus Tracks category, "Psycho Soldier Classic". There is no charting data associated with it, and the song itself is a direct rip of Psycho Soldier's main theme.
- The "Norwegian dude" Macy mentions in the dialogue before Coffee Date is Tord.
- There are multiple playable characters, in the mod, including all of the canon characters and their variants as well as:
- Macy
- Athena Asamiya
- Joshua
- Kazuki (Her idol form is only accessible after beating Achievable Fantasy)
- Bowie
- Fever.
- Isophoro
- Philip (Unlocked through beating Week A without dying)
- Princess Athena (Unlocked through beating Week B without dying)
- Weegee (Unlocked through beating Carbon Copy without dying)
- Adeleine (Unlocked through beating Week D without dying)
- Rhythm Rush Sonic (Unlocked after clearing 10 songs on any difficulty, then clearing any song in Freeplay)
- Kerol (Unlocked after obtaining over 750 sicks, then clearing any song in Freeplay)
- Gumi (Unlocked after listening to 10 unique songs in the Sound Test, then clearing any song in Freeplay)
- Halloween based alts of Boyfriend and Girlfriend, the former heavily resembling Sans from Undertale.
- Atari stylized versions of Boyfriend, Senpai, and Spirit, as well as an entire toggle to change Week 6's aesthetic in the Options menu.
- The sprite sheet for the Week 5 variant of the Parents contains animations for both of them singing together.
- In 2.0.0, on rare occasions, whatever character chosen is instead replaced by Joshua, a FNF OC that was put into the vanilla game's files as a joke. He has no icon, instead represented by the default "face" icon.
- He later became the opponent of Week C and changed to a regular character, but due to coding errors, cannot be seen in the week.
- The monika.chr file from Doki Doki Literature Club is hidden in the files of the mod.
- In the game files, specifically the music folder, there's a file called "the red hands" with no known use.
Or is there? - In Tutorial, the opponent's losing icon and winning icon are swapped.
- The same can also be said about Kazuki's base icons, having her happy expression be her losing icon, but her low power and idol forms return to the standard format.
- A file found within the files is called "forSMB2.ips". When patched onto a copy of Super Mario Bros. 2, it replaces Luigi with Macy.
- Monster, despite being included in Week 2, is purposely hidden in the story menu to surprise players playing through Story Mode.[1]
- Winter Horrorland is called Winter Wonderland in the Story Mode menu.
- The entire inclusion of Mad House was from a scrapped concept of Week C. The song was finished prior to the eventual shift to what it became, so it stuck.
- The first incarnations of what would become The Weeg Mod were planned to simply be a skin over Mommy Mearest.[2]
- Encore Mode is planned to make a return, as a fourth difficulty similar to the planned Erect difficulty for the vanilla game.[3]
- As of version 3.0, it is now fully implemented in, with remixes of the following songs:
- Tutorial
- Dad Battle
- Roses
- Thorns
- As revealed in the version 4.0 overview trailer, as well as other sources, the following songs will be getting Encore remixes in version 4.0:
- Bopeebo
- Fresh
- Mad House
- Blammed
- Satin Panties
- High
- Senpai
- Ugh
- Coffee Date
- I Love You
- As of the Menu Sampler, the following Encore remixes have now been released:
- Coffee Date
- Electromace
- Will
- Psycho Soldier
- I Love You
- Squeak!
- As of version 3.0, it is now fully implemented in, with remixes of the following songs:
- It's been confirmed that the opponent of the upcoming Week D is Arle Nadja from Puyo Puyo, and Week F's will be Mr. Game and Watch. Week E's main opponent is still unknown, however Athena Asamiya is confirmed to return for another song.
- Each main week's background is based off of some pre-existing location:
- Grand Central Symphony's background, as the week name implies, is based off of Grand Central Terminal.
- Athena on Stage's background is based off of the Concert Stage from The King of Fighters XI.
- Call Me Zuki!'s background is The Cerulean, the cafe that Macy and Kazuki run together.
Gallery (General)[]