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Main Characters (Playable) Music Tweakmas
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It really don't matter, your chances of making it are shorter than your height. - Kia

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mods will be made, devs will come and go, bosses will be tweaked, FIND OUT FIRST HAND HERE
― niffirg, FNF Weekly Gamebanana Page

FNF Weekly is a mod created by niffirg and is the self-proclaimed "mod of the summer". Previously a one-shot named Vs. Tweaking Boss, it has been converted to a grab bag for modding with each update, released every week from June to early September, following a theme.

Gamebanana Page[]


A new FNF mod every single week? You must be tweaking, boss!

welcome my friends and fellas my buds and bluds to FNF WEEEKKLLYYYYYYY THE HOTTEST MOD OF THE SUMMMERRRRRR

rising out of the ashes of vs tweaking boss, FNF Weekly is dedicated to giving you new FNF content and updates EVERY SINGLE WEEEKK

mods will be made, devs will come and go, bosses will be tweaked, FIND OUT FIRST HAND HERE

Gamebanana Screenshots[]

Gameplay Mechanics[]

  • Peggle System: In Pegging Aren't I Hilarious, the player cannot regain health by hitting notes. Instead, the "peg" sound effects played throughout the song handle health regeneration.
  • Perma-Drain: Near the end of Luminary Clock, Mithrix swipes Boyfriend's hat. This allows Mithrix to drain the player's health while additionally preventing them from regaining it through notes.
  • Gun Shots: Midway through Mischief, The Impostor attempts to shoot Boyfriend. If the player has less than half of their health remaining, they will receive an instant Game Over.
  • ModChart: Throughout Love Groove, the arrows and strikeline make various quick and sporadic movements while also switching between upscroll and downscroll.
  • Popups: During Good Will, various window popups appear over the screen throughout the song, prompting the player to click them to remove them from view.

Cutscene Transcripts[]

  • All FNF Weekly! (x5)
  • Adam [Pitched up] Haha, yes! FNF Weekly!
  • ConanWIcon Conan FNF Weekly!

Chef Blasting Intro
Animator(s): DerpDrawzVsTBDrawzDerpIcon
  • [Gordon Ramsay glances down at Girlfriend's plate, serving an indiscernible mushy mess. Gordon lifts the plate from Girlfriend's hands shortly before throwing it onto the ground, shattering the dish into pieces.]
  • RomronGramsayLose Gordon Ramsay It's fucking RAW!
Mid-Chef Blasting
  • RomronGramsayLose Gordon Ramsay KILL YOURSELF!
Game Over (Chef Blasting)
Animator(s): loggoVsTBLoggo
  • [Gordon Ramsay, now angered, shoots Boyfriend directly using a gun.]
Game Over (Pegging Aren't I Hilarious)
Animator(s): loggoVsTBLoggo
Game Over (Fruity)
  • [The introductory scene for Anxiety from Inside Out 2 plays out in a low quality, with several memes and videos plastered over in high frequencies.]
Game Over (Johnny Round)
Animator(s): FlaguieugVsTBFlaguieugIcon
  • TalkingBacteriaJohnLose EVIL Bacteria John Hahahahahaaa! Hello, I am the EVIL Bacteria John. You have not plugged in your microphone yet! I'm gonna come get you and kill you! Any moment now, you will be on the ground and you will be bleeding (TalkingBacteriaJohnIcon Bacteria John: [Incomprehensible screaming]) and you will die! I will kill you! Get back here! Mwahahahaha!
  • TalkingBacteriaJohnIcon Bacteria John Ok, I'm- I'm fine now! I think. Huh- What the- AAAAAAAA-
  • TalkingBacteriaJohnLose EVIL Bacteria John Hahahahahahahaha! Hahahaha! I have appeared out of you and you're going to die! It- *incomprehensible* the end! Oohhh, you're fucked, oohhh, you're fucked, oooohhhhhh, you're fucked! Mwohoohoohoahahaha!!
Reskin of Eggman's section in Top-Loader.

Dustloop Background
Dustloop Ending
Animator(s): Ito SaiharaVsTBItoSaiharaIcon
  • FNFWeeklySpiderman-neutralIcon Spider-Man Just a little heads up... I wouldn't pick up the Daily Bugle if I were you.
Game Over (Dustloop)
Animator(s): Ito SaiharaVsTBItoSaiharaIcon
  • FNFWeeklySpiderman-neutralIcon Spider-Man You're cornered, Venom! Give up!
  • FNFWeeklyVenom-neutralIcon Venom Noononononononoo, Spider-Man. I actually got you right where I wanted! I just need some assistance.
  • FNFWeeklySpiderman-neutralIcon Spider-Man Assistance?
  • FNFWeeklySpiderman-losingIcon Spider-Man No... it can't be! Do you mean-
  • tba Show me your motivation.
  • [TBA]
  • FNFWeeklySpiderman-neutralIcon Spider-Man fucking bitch.
  • Announcer K.O.!
  • [The scene ends with a brief appearance of "LOCOMORTAL" from FNF: Antipathy, the first of many.]
Game Over (Pirate Indie Games)
  • [A low-quality Windows Movie Maker slideshow of the "Top 5 baddest bitches in Undertale and Deltarune" is presented.]
Game Over (Undead; Zombie active)
  • [The Zombie successfully defeats the Peashooter shortly before breakdancing.]
Game Over (Undead; Zombie defeated)
  • [An image of a Peashooter plush is shown on-screen.]
Termina Intro
Animator(s): OrbyyOrbinautFNFWOrbyyIcon
Game Over (Termina)
Luminary Clock
  • [A sped-up recording of the Mithrix battle from Risk of Rain 2 is shown, with the icon for Boyfriend's hat edited over the player.]
Koopa Karnage
  • [SM64 Bowser is seen stomping before noticing Boyfriend, roaring and running towards him.]
  • BFIcon Boyfriend Aaauh!! B- Bowser- Bowser, please- Bowser-
  • [Boyfriend continues to mutter "Bowser" as SM64 Bowser approaches and finally catches him.]

Game Over (Mental Temple)
File:Ena gameover.mp4
  • [A scene from Toy Story 2 of Al driving to work is shown, with the FNF Weekly logo edited over the apartment complex and a photo of niffirg edited over Al.]
  • VSTBniffrgIcon niffirg I can't believe I have to make a new Game Over on a Sunday night. Make a new Game Over!
  • [The Adam ElevenLabs voice continues to speak unintelligible sentences as niffirg drives to Al's Toy Barn, which now has ENA's spritesheet edited over it.]
Game Over (Spaceblasters)
  • Reporter And! The truth is out there, and doorbell company Ring wants you to help find it! They're giving away ONE dollar to whoever can capture evidence of extraterrestrial life on your Ring camera. That's a lot of money! (Mhm!) Alright, if you're not a believer, that's okay. Whoever can create the best FAKE alien video like this one can win a dollar.
Game Over (Crimson Fog)
  • [The start of Pico's Gameover plays, along with a badly illuminated GIF of who seems to be Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket laughing, before cutting to Tyler The Creator screaming "SIKE!", then it cuts to Satoru Gojo and Miguel Oduol's fight in the Amazon Prime Video Advertisement of the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie, with Hank and Pico's sprites edited over them briefly before cutting to the Imaginary Purple clip with Hank edited over Gojo and Pico edited over Toji. After the clip gets cut right before Pico is hit with the Purple, it cuts to a brazillian AI voice video about a cat, in where a Male AI voice says in Brazillian Portuguese: "Olha só pra esse malhadinho fela da putinha", which translates directly to "look at this little son of a bitch".]

Game Over (Plectrum)
Game Over (Parched)
Game Over (Mischief; normal)
  • Announcer Epic Rap Battles Of Weekly! Sonic.exe VS. Red Impostor! GO!
  • Sonic.exe My name is Sonic.exe... welcome to my personal hell. I killed Knuckles and Tails, and I think you'll do just well! HAHAHAHA!
  • RedImpostorWIcon Red My name is Red Impostor
  • Sonic.exe Dude, are you serious? Is that- is that all you can talk in? You just talk in dings all the time?
  • Sonic.exe I've heard all your songs and they all fucking suck. Your music is composed of two drums and a pluck!
  • Announcer We interrupt this rap battle with a new challenger. Introducing... TRICKY!
Game Over (Mischief; bullet)
  • [A bullet slowly flies into Boyfriend in a slow and easily avoidable fashion.]
Game Over (Philly Mice)
  • BFIcon Boyfriend Weekly Minus Girlfriend, we need to make the spell so that Pico doesn't become a dinosaur!
  • GFIcon Girlfriend Alright, fuck- fuck, I'm doing the spell! Alright-
  • BFIcon Boyfriend Please! Let's- we need to make the spell so that Pico doesn't become a dinosaur! No, no, we need to stop Pico from becoming a dinosaur.
  • GFIcon Girlfriend Oh, no, no, no, no. Shut up, shut up, stop ta- you're tampering with the spell!
  • BFIcon Boyfriend No, please, we need to- we NEED TO!
  • GFIcon Girlfriend Shut up, shut up, you- stop, shut the fuck up! Are you fucking for real, you couldn't shut up just for ONE SECOND? The spell is broken, oh my Go-
  • BFIcon Boyfriend No! Now- fuck, fuck, noo- now-
  • BFIcon Boyfriend ...I'm cooked.
  • PicoIcon Pico What's goodie, ahhh I'm Pico! Yooo what's goodie, they call me the [TBA], what's good?
Game Over (Champion's Ring)
Animator(s): Flaguieug's Little BrotherFNFWFlaguieugLittleBroIcon
Game Over (Haystack)

Chorale Ending (>20 misses)
Animator(s): DollieFNFWPanchoIcon
Chorale Ending (<20 misses)
Animator(s): DollieFNFWPanchoIcon
Chorale Ending (FC)
Animator(s): DollieFNFWPanchoIcon
Game Over (Funky Flow)
  • NoAvailableIcon Hairdresser Octopus I'm hav- I can't do the accent... I'm having so much fun rapping with my friend Parappa T. Rapper!
  • NoAvailableIcon Hairdresser Octopus Wh- *unintelligible* OH MY GOD-
Game Over (Off the Cuff)
  • [Rhythm Doctor gameplay for Off the Cuff is shown, with four different monitors to keep track of at once.]
Game Over (Transient Tribulation)
  • [Gameplay of Stereo Madness from Geometry Dash is shown, with the player failing to dodge the first spike for several attempts in a row. A facecam of Boyfriend is edited into the corner.]
  • BFIcon Boyfriend *unintelligible* Dude. Dude, what the- what the hell, man? Oh my God- how am I supposed to do this level? Nooo! No, please stooop! STOOO-
Game Over (Love Blast)

Game Over (Syncopation)
Animator(s): kloogybaboogyFNFWKloogyBaboogyIcon
Game Over (ScareFull)
Animator(s): marketplier34FNFWMarketplierIcon
Game Over (Genre: NULL)
Animator(s): KreagatoFNFWKreagatoIcon
  • Adam Everyone knows that the producer and composer Kreagato has been creating music for FNF Weekly ever since Tweak 4, having made a song every week from Tweak 4 up until the current Tweak 10. But what many people may not know is... she is a FIEND!
  • Adam Kreagato has leaked and desecrated another mod known as FNF: Antipathy within each and every one of her songs. Don't believe me? Take a listen to this teaser for this FNF: Antipathy song: "LOCOMORTAL", posted on her channel.
  • [0:10 of "LOCOMORTAL" is played at 1.5x speed.]
  • Adam Hear that melody in your head? Now, listen to this!
  • [1:34 of "Philly Mice" is played at 1.5x speed, sounding strikingly similar to the melody shown prior.]
  • Adam They're the EXACT same! And it doesn't stop there. There's a reference to the second half of this melody-
  • ["LOCOMORTAL" is played again at 1.5x speed, this time from 0:20.]
  • Adam -also in the instrumental for "Haystack" as well.
  • [1:50 of the instrumental for "Haystack" is played at 1.5x speed, also sounding near identical to the prior tune.]
  • Adam The entire bridge in the song "Love Groove" steals this melody.
  • [1:49 of "Love Groove" is played at 1.5x speed.]
  • Adam The choir in the instrumental of "BOX24" also steals this melody.
  • [1:20 of the instrumental for "BOX24" is played at 1.5x speed.]
  • Adam The melody is shoehorned into the ending vocals of the song "Evolution".
  • [2:18 of "Evolution" is played at 1.5x speed.]
  • Adam The first half of the melody was also referenced in the song "SIMUL4CRUM".
  • [2:38 of "SIMUL4CRUM" is played at 1.5x speed.]
  • Adam Even in the song "Perfect Girl", this melody is forced into the guitar during the bridge!
  • [1:54 of the instrumental for "Perfect Girl" is played at 1.5x speed.]
  • Adam ...but the most HEINOUS of these crimes is the complete stealing of this melody and chord progression during an entire portion of the song you just failed on, known as "Genre: NULL".
  • [0:59 of "Genre: NULL" is played at 1.5x speed. An image of a cat with Kreagato's hair drawn over it can be seen fading in, captioned "kreagato IS A MASTER OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION".]
  • Adam As crazy and ridiculous as this is, with all of these constant references to the melody and instrumental of "LOCOMORTAL", it somehow goes even deeper. This crook just doesn't know when to stop! The truth is, the chord progression used in the second half of the melody for "LOCOMORTAL" isn't even hers! This entire chord progression is another reference. This progression is completely taken from the song "Myosotis" from the soundtrack of Deemo 2. Listen to this shit.
  • [The aforementioned track is played.]
  • Adam Are you fucking kidding me?! But even still, it's not over. You might be wondering why this entire rabbit hole started. Why would she do this? Where did this bit even come from, why choose a motif from a song not even fully released yet and make it a characteristic trait of your music?
  • Adam Well, the truth is, the references to "LOCOMORTAL" didn't even start with Kreagato. The origins of the references to "LOCOMORTAL" in FNF Weekly traces all the way back to Tweak 2. The first ever reference to "LOCOMORTAL" in FNF: Weekly was, in fact, in the Game Over for the song "Dustloop", with the Game Over being made by Ito- fucking- Saihara.
  • Adam EEEEHH! Quick, leak this cool fucking beat, fuck yeah!
  • VsTBItoSaiharaIcon Ito Saihara My name is Ito Saihara, and I like putting fingers up my ass.
  • [A sped-up beat is played, with the latter part of Ito Saihara's sentence being chopped and sampled.]
Tenkaichi Battleworld Intro
Animator(s): Ito SaiharaVsTBItoSaiharaIcon
Tenkaichi Battleworld Ending
Animator(s): TerminalRepoFNFWTerminal
Game Over (Tenkaichi Battleworld)
Animator(s): Ito SaiharaVsTBItoSaiharaIcon
  • ShaggyWeeklyIcon Shaggy Zoinks! We've got you cornered! It's over for you, dudes!
  • Weekly666Icon Guest 666 I'm gonna beat your freaking ass, so you're fucked up, I'm gonna beat your, I'm gonna-
  • GokuSSBIcon Goku Dammit, I dunno what to do! My Kamehameha isn't working against these guys...
  • DekuIconTrustMeMyDogWorksForPlotArmor Deku Looks like you guys need some help, from a- from a Buzz Ultra™️ hero, from FNFWeeklyLogo! That's me, Deku! From Tweak 9!
  • SpideyWeeklyVenomIcon Spider-Man Erm, I don't think you're- I don't think you're in Tweak 9, Deku.
  • DekuIconTrustMeMyDogWorksForPlotArmor Deku Yes, yes I was in Tweak 9, but- but in a different universe where... things went wrong! The place I come from, you heroes have lost. These awful villains, they are not Buzz Ultra™️ at all! And now I'm here, to be the savior of FNFWeeklyLogo! Get ready, everyone! Hiyaaaaa!
  • [A fight scene from My Hero Academia plays with Shaggy and Guest 666 edited over it.]
  • DekuIconTrustMeMyDogWorksForPlotArmor Deku Detroit! Oooh 100 percent! Delaware! Motherfucking- [unintelligible] -yeah! Fuck you Shaggy you fucking asshole!
  • []
  • []
Game Over (Friends And Fellas)
Animator(s): FNF Shittly Dev Team FNFWShittly
Buds and Bluds Intro
Animator(s): DerpDrawzVsTBDrawzDerpIcon
Lyrics (Buds and Bluds; flashing)
Animator(s): DerpDrawzVsTBDrawzDerpIcon
Lyrics (Buds and Bluds; non-flashing)
Animator(s): DerpDrawzVsTBDrawzDerpIcon
Game Over (Buds and Bluds; Boyfriend)
Animator(s): loggoVsTBLoggo
Game Over (Buds and Bluds; Norbert)
Animator(s): loggoVsTBLoggo

Marathon Mode[]

Marathon Mode is a unique Gamemode in the main menu. It involves playing through all 63 songs in a random order based on a seed, with the extra challenge of starting over entirely upon the first Game Over. Scores and misses are saved across songs, providing a final total at the end of the mode.


  • Completing Marathon Mode normally rewards the player with a gold medal of the Tweaking Boss on the main menu.
  • Completing Marathon Mode with an FC (Full Combo) or higher in every song adds a toggleable option to turn the main menu into a gold color (described in the results screen as a "kid with a balloon running into the studio and spamming 1234567 golden star stickers").

Easter Egg Seeds[]

Among the millions of random seeds are unique keywords, which can be entered to prioritize certain songs to the start of the queue, indicated by an alternative confirmation sound. Below is a table showing all the different seeds and their effects:

Seed Songs Theme
weekly Plays every song in order.
  • Love Groove
  • There's Always Next Week!
  • Champion's Ring
  • Teaking
  • Genre: NULL
  • ScareFull
  • Popular
  • Luminary Clock
  • Evolution
Prioritizes all the hardest songs first.
abc Plays every song in alphabetical order.
cba Plays every song in reverse alphabetical order.
  • Johnny Round
  • Joink
  • Haystack
  • Philly Mice
  • Busy Work
Prioritizes every song with a unique humanoid/anthropomorphic Girlfriend redesign (excluding Chef Blasting, Fruity and Doodlequest).
  • Boss Tweaking in Brazil
  • Teaking
  • Goo
  • Visiosubrideophobia
  • Joink
  • Friends And Fellas
  • Buds and Bluds
Prioritizes every song relevant to FNF Weekly's lore revolving around Tweaking Boss and Norbert.
  • Mental Temple
  • Funky Flow
  • Joink
  • Koopa Karnage
  • Spaceblasterz
  • Mischief
  • Funky Flow
  • Devil's Ditty
  • Brilliance
  • Frauduccine
  • Motivation
  • Friends And Fellas
  • 7OF8
  • Dangerous To Go Alone
  • Johnny Round
  • Crimson Fog
  • Philly Mice
  • Love Groove
  • BOX24
  • Lifeless
  • Rock Bottom
  • Perfect Girl
  • Tenkaichi Battleworld
  • Dustloop
  • Crimson Fog
  • BOX24
  • Beyond
  • Tenkaichi Battleworld
Prioritizes every song directed by Ito Saihara.
  • Pirate Indie Games
  • Circus (Weekly Mix)
  • Friends And Fellas
  • Dustloop
  • Devil's Ditty
  • Koopa Karnage
  • Undead
  • Joink
  • Johnny Round
  • Philly Mice
  • Haystack
  • Love Groove
  • BOX24
  • Evolution
  • Perfect Girl
  • Genre: NULL
Prioritizes every song composed by Kreagato (excluding There's Always Next Week!).
  • Johnny Round
  • Pirate Indie Games
  • Spaceblasterz
  • Off the Cuff
  • Lifeless
  • Circus (Weekly Mix)
  • Beyond
  • Friends And Fellas
Prioritizes every song programmed and/or charted by Lethrial (excluding Plectrum).
  • Fruity
  • Luminary Clock
  • Parched
  • jeff the kill you
  • KB5K
Prioritizes every song composed by Crossknife.
  • Visiosubrideophobia
  • Johnny Round
  • Termina
  • Mental Temple
  • Champion's Ring
  • Transient Tribulation
  • Good Will
  • Doodlequest
  • Silence Is Death
  • Busy Work
  • ScareFull
  • Buds and Bluds
Prioritizes every song composed by niffirg (excluding There's Always Next Week!).
  • Silence Is Death
  • Good Will
  • Doodlequest
  • Philly Mice
  • Love Groove
  • Busy Work
  • Rock Bottom
  • Parched
  • Crimson Fog
  • Pirating Indie Games
  • Pegging Aren't I Hilarious
  • Goo
Prioritizes every song with art and/or music contributions from KatAnims (excluding Fruity, Good Will, Popular, Goo Pico, Teaking (Weekly Mix) and Goo (Weekly Mix)) (including Parched).
  • Visiosubrideophobia
  • Chef Blasting
  • Koopa Karnage
  • Spaceblasterz
  • Philly Mice
  • Champion's Ring
  • Off the Cuff
  • Devil's Ditty
  • Lifeless
  • Doodlequest
  • Evolution
  • Circus (Weekly Mix)
  • Beyond
  • Buds and Bluds
  • Koopa Karnage
  • Spaceblasterz
  • Plectrum
  • Funky Flow
  • Doodlequest
  • Frauduccine
  • Rock Bottom
  • Popular
  • ScareFull
Prioritizes every song with art contributions from Jam (including Rock Bottom).
  • KB5K
  • Joink
  • Koopa Karnage
  • Parched
  • 7OF8
  • Frauduccine
  • Genre: NULL
Prioritizes every song with art contributions from MochaDrawss.
  • Luminary Clock
  • Joink
  • Spaceblasterz
  • Funky Flow
  • Transient Tribulation
  • BOX24
  • Genre: NULL
  • Tenkaichi Battleworld
  • Friends And Fellas
  • Teaking
Prioritizes every song with art contributions from alphalul1 (excluding Evolution and Beyond) (including Teaking).
  • jeff the kill you
  • KB5K
  • Plectrum
  • Chorale
  • Good Will
  • Brilliance
  • Popular
  • Syncopation
Prioritizes every song composed by Dollie (including Good Will).
  • Teaking
  • Goo
  • Fruity
  • Pirate Indie Games
  • Haystack
  • Transient Tribulation
  • Love Groove
  • jeff the kill you
  • 7OF8
  • Brilliance
  • Frauduccine
  • Rock Bottom
  • Motivation
  • Popular
  • ScareFull
Prioritizes every song with art, programming and/or charting contributions from lemlem_mew (excluding Boss Tweaks in Brazil, Visiosubrideophobia, Dustloop, Champion's Ring, Tenkaichi Battleworld, Friends And Fellas and Goo Pico) (including Teaking).
  • Dustloop
  • Haystack
  • Legend
  • Rock Bottom
  • Tenkaichi Battleworld
Prioritizes every song composed by Biddle3.
  • 7OF8
  • Lifeless
  • Dangerous To Go Alone
  • ScareFull
Prioritizes every song composed by scrumbo_.
  • Teaking
  • Pegging Aren't I Hilarious
  • Undead
  • Mischief
Prioritizes every song composed by loggo (excluding Teaking Pico and Teaking (Weekly Mix)) (including Mischief).
  • Joink
  • Koopa Karnage
  • Champion's Ring
  • Love Groove
  • Popular
  • ScareFull
  • Genre: NULL
Prioritizes every song programmed by DuskieWhy.
  • Luminary Clock
  • Crimson Fog
  • Philly Mice
  • Chorale
  • Good Will
  • Legend
  • Perfect Girl
  • Beyond
  • Tenkaichi Battleworld
Prioritizes every song with chart and/or voice acting contributions from Kye_VL.
  • Joink
  • Dustloop
  • Mental Temple
  • Plectrum
  • Philly Mice
  • Funky Flow
  • Love Groove
  • 7OF8
  • Evolution
  • Rock Bottom
  • Beyond
  • Genre: NULL
  • ScareFull
Prioritizes every song charted and/or programmed by Srife5.
  • Boss Tweaking in Brazil
  • Chef Blasting
  • Johnny Round
  • Dustloop
  • Champion's Ring
  • Legend
  • Silence Is Death
  • Syncopation
  • ScareFull
  • Tenkaichi Battleworld
Prioritizes every song with charting, art, music and/or programming contributions from Flaguieug (excluding Devil's Ditty, Rock Bottom, Silence Is Death, Popular and There's Always Next Week!).
  • Chef Blasting
  • Teaking
  • Friends And Fellas
Referencing "FNF SHITTLY"
  • Teaking
  • Goo
  • Teaking Pico
  • Goo Pico
  • Chef Blasting
  • Busy Work
  • Beyond
  • Haystack
  • Luminary Clock
  • Koopa Karnage
  • Chef Blasting
  • Fruity
  • Parched
  • Frauduccine
  • Dangerous To Go Alone
Prioritizes every song involving food.
bludthirsty Does not play any songs, instead reading out the following message:
"No way to win, no way to speak
Perhaps... a website..?
Message is displayed from "ARGState.hx", implying a possible ARG.

Trivia (General)[]

  • The mod was made in 2 days.
  • Teaking was intentionally composed in a "generic" manner, using Genesis instruments and predictable chord progressions.

  • Although it isn't a true character due to not having its own data file, the peggle ball's sfx is in the Voices.ogg file instead of the Inst.ogg and there are notes charted for it in Pegging Aren't I Hilarious.

  • During Off the Cuff, Boyfriend can press the button using the spacebar or any directional keys, much like the original Rhythm Doctor. This does not affect the song and is purely cosmetic.

  • A screenshot of this page can be seen as one of the random popups in Good Will.
  • The intro and concept of CAN YOU HEAR ME is a reference to the ending of the DISABLED creepypasta, where DISABLED is traded for a Cyndaquil named "HURRY", which itself is a reference to Lost Silver.

  • Mike, one of the creators of Tazercraft, has acknowledged Legend.[1]

  • Circus (Weekly Mix) is in SiIvaGunner's "Liked videos" playlist.
  • SIMUL4CRUM is the 47th song in the mod, likely in reference to "#47 onward", the staff credits music in Splatoon 3 - Side Order.

  • At step 1299 in the chart for Popular, there is an unseen Kill Henchmen event with value 1 set to "this chart got me so bored bro" and value 2 set to "im watching roblox porn". This event activates the transition sequence towards the end of the song.

  • Kelvin, the host of FNF SHITTLY, makes a cameo appearance in Friends And Fellas.

  • Every song outside of Tweak 0 has a unique Game Over video, usually being low-quality shitposts relating to the song in some way. Certain song can have multiple different videos play depending on certain conditions.
    • If the Zombie is killed in Undead, "peashooter.mp4" plays upon health depletion instead of "zombie.mp4". This isn't normally possible to achieve in-game without manually resetting or disabling the "Ghost Tapping" option.
    • If below half the player's health remains in Mischief by the time The Impostor attempts to merk Boyfriend, an instant Game Over occurs accompanied by "bullet.mp4" playing in place of the normal "impostor.mp4".
    • jeff the kill you has a unique video depending on whether or not the "Flashing Lights" option is enabled. If disabled, it plays "chiller.mp4", while "killer.mp4" is otherwise shown.
    • Silence Is Death has a 1/3 (33%) chance of playing "robloxfriend.mp4" in place of "scarygameover.mp4".
    • Once Norbert takes over as the player character in Buds and Bluds, "OOGITYGOOGAMEOVER.mp4" is played in place of "bnb_gameover.mp4".
      • Ironically, this song's default Game Over video can only be played while it's falsely named "THE TWEAKING BOSSFIGHT", contrary to its filename.
    • Tweak 0, Joink, Chorale, and the Extras do not have any unique Game Over videos.
      • Joink instead plays a unique in-game Game Over animation, in which Boyfriend is swarmed by bees.
      • Chorale restarts automatically upon full health depletion.
  • The mod includes an extra toggleable option, "Darnell mode.". Enabling it replaces every interactive character with Darnell.
    • Bowser Jr. is the only character who negates this setting.
  • The "Horror Horde", "Y2Krazy", and "Plot Armor" tweaks are internally referred to as "Tweak 666", "Flash Frenzy", and "Anime" respectively.
  • There is an unused event located in the Chart Editor, named "hello bro". Activating it at any point in a song plays a video, which is appropriately chroma-keyed over the gameplay. The game closes once the video finishes.
  • Besides Funky Flow, Hairdresser Octopus from PaRappa the Rapper 2 makes numerous cameos throughout multiple tweaks.
    • The Game Over video for Plectrum includes footage of Hairdresser Octopus during his introductory cutscene with a green screen missile strike added.
    • Around 12 seconds in, some of Pico's vocals in Philly Mice are sampled from Hairdresser Octopus.[2]
    • One of the framed pictures in jeff the kill you's background has a grayscale image of Hairdresser Octopus.
    • In Good Will, One of the files on Tweaksuperfan7's desktop has an icon depicting a pixelated Hairdresser Octopus sprite and the name "the gif where he".
  • Every Tweak after Tweak 0 references Tweaking Boss in some way.
    • In Pegging Aren't I Hilarious, "The Tweaking Lisa" is used as the background.
    • In Pirate Indie Games, Spamton uses The Boss's voice during certain parts of the chase section.
    • In Spaceblasterz, The Boss can be seen flying in a helicopter.
    • In Philly Mice, a minus version of The Boss can be seen in the background.
    • In Funky Flow, The Boss can be seen in the crowd to the right. Also, the sign in the background of Off The Cuff occasionally displays the words "tweaking boss".
    • In Good Will, "The Tweaking Lisa" is used as Tweaksuperfan7's wallpaper.
    • In Brilliance, "The Tweaking Lisa" has a chance to appear as the Newgrounds border.
    • In Circus (Weekly Mix), The Boss's head is the moon.
    • The Boss can be seen lifted behind a window in the background of Busy Work, on a poster in Motivation, and on Tomoko's desktop wallpaper as "The Tweaking Lisa" in Popular.

  • Gallery (General)[]



    See also[]

