Funkipedia Mods Wiki
Warnings: Trigger Warning, Copyrighted.
Notices: Upcoming Content, Outdated Page.



This article contains content that may bring users with past trauma, to something that might cause a physical and/or mental reaction. Viewer discretion is advised!

Reason: While there's nothing from the mod itself that can trigger anything, it's source material, Amphibia has some instances of near-death experiences, emotional scenes, etc.


Copyrighted Assets

Oops! Did I do that? - Ronald McDonald

This article contains copyrighted music, files, or other copyrighted assets that can claim copyright infringement.

Reason: Amphibia and The Owl House are both owned by Disney.


Upcoming Content

Let's do this Texas style! - Engineer

This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information.


Outdated Page


This page is out of date, which means the mod has either released or received the long-awaited update. Remove this template only when at least more than half of the new content is present on the page. Don't forget to always check social media in case more trivia has been posted.

Reason: A trailer for update 1.5 came out a while ago for the FunkDirect, and we don't have much about the upcoming update.

Vs. Sasha is a mod made by Jakeneutron.


Not to be confused with the Sasha from Animal Crossing

Oh, yeah? Well, I'm Sasha Waybright, captain of the cheerleaders, top scorer in Super Dance Fusion, and First Lieutenant to Captain Grime!
― Sasha, Toadcatcher

Sasha Waybright is a human girl who serves as a supporting character and an anti-hero in Amphibia, and makes her rockin' introduction in this mod created by Jakeneutron.

Want to know more about Sasha?


Sasha is a rather charismatic girl. She is able to make friends so easily as shown in "Prison Break", where Sasha herself has been shown to have some good relationship with the toads and has even befriended most of them, including her captor, Captain Grime. Sasha has proven herself to be a fierce warrior and is seen to enjoy fighting; she also takes great pride in her strength as shown in the third temple.

While outwardly nice and friendly, Sasha was actually manipulative, cunning, cold and quick tempered. While imprisoned, she was able to convince every one of her guards to quit. After cutting a deal with Grime for her freedom, she helped him trick his soldiers into being more loyal to him. As shown by her willingness to kill Hop Pop, she does not care about the inhabitants of Amphibia, seeing them as gross amphibians. However, this seems to have changed after her fight with Anne, seeing Grime, Percy, and Braddock as her friends.


Sasha is a teenage girl of tall height with a slender build. She has blonde hair tied in a ponytail, almond-shaped eyes, red armor, and a mole on her cheek.


  • Heartstomper is based off of a song from Amphibia of the same name in episode Battle Of Bands.
  • Barrels Hammer is named after Barrel's Warhammer from Amphibia.
  • The voices for Boyfriend and Girlfriend have been confirmed to be placeholder voices by Jakeneutron on YouTube.
  • The mod is labelled as a WIP on GameBanana & Gamejolt, possibly implying that there will be a third song or even more.
  • Her guitar is from the 39th episode of Season 2 in Amphibia called "Battle of the Bands".
  • A placeholder third song can be found in the files.
    • It's a copy of Philly Nice with Heartstomper's charting.
  • The mod is made by Jakeneutron, also Known for making Vs. Oswald or some Pibby mods.
  • A part of No Big Deal a song from Amphibia can be heard in Barrel's Hammer from 0:54 to 1:09.



BPM: 169
Scroll Speed: 0.8 (Easy)
1 (Normal)
1.5 (Hard)
Barrels Hammer
BPM: 140
Scroll Speed: 0.9 (Easy)
1.5 (Normal)
1.8 (Hard)
Barrel's Hammer (Extended)
BPM: 140
Scroll Speed: 0.9 (Easy)
1.5 (Normal)
1.8 (Hard)
Has a No Big Deal reference from 0:54 to 1:09
Grime's Requiem
Teaser song


Heartstomper Dialogue

  • BFIcon Boyfriend Bo, bee... bopeee bo...
  • GFIcon Girlfriend ... woOooOoOOoo...
  • BFIcon Boyfriend Babe, pardon my language, but...
  • BFIcon Boyfriend where the heck is your dad?
  • BFIcon Boyfriend He told us to meet here like an hour and a half ago.
  • GFIcon Girlfriend Ugh... probably just playing up that "fashionably late" stuff.
  • GFIcon Girlfriend then he does some dramatic entrance to make up for---
  • [A blue portal appears in a blink of an eye, and Sasha comes walking out of it.]
  • GFIcon Girlfriend Oh christ.
  • SashaIcon Sasha yeeeeesh... this place is...
  • SashaIcon Sasha PERFECT-!
  • GFIcon Girlfriend who the---
  • BFIcon Boyfriend your dad turned into a girl.
  • GFIcon Girlfriend boyfriend shut up
  • GFIcon Girlfriend ...
  • GFIcon Girlfriend wait a minute...
  • SashaIcon Sasha oh my gosh!??!?
  • GFIcon Girlfriend Sasha????
  • SashaIcon Sasha Hey Girrrllfrriiieeeeeend!
  • BFIcon Boyfriend you... know this girl?
  • GFIcon Girlfriend I used to babysit for extra money.
  • BFIcon Boyfriend Babe, aren't you literally rich?
  • GFIcon Girlfriend what of it?
  • SashaIcon Sasha Oh heyyyy, sorryyyyy kid,
  • SashaIcon Sasha this venue is booked for me and my crew from between 1:30 - 4:00 pm.
  • SashaIcon Sasha Tssssss, so you kinda gotta go... sorryyyyyyy
  • BFIcon Boyfriend uhm?? First of all, I'm 19 second of all---
  • SashaIcon Sasha yeah yeah yeah, I don't care pipsqueak.
  • SashaIcon Sasha Everyone's gonna be here in like... 0 minutes
  • SashaIcon Sasha So you need to take yourself and those chunky little speakers off the stage.
  • GFIcon Girlfriend boyfriend, let's just go, we can just-
  • BFIcon Boyfriend yo hold up! I've been waiting for hours to song battle, I'm not just gonna-
  • SashaIcon Sasha oh my gosh, IIIIII DOOOOONNN'T CAAAARRREEEE
  • BFIcon Boyfriend ...
  • GFIcon Girlfriend C'mon Sash, the little guy can't sleep right if he ain't got at least one song battle in for the day.
  • BFIcon Boyfriend lil,- little?
  • SashaIcon Sasha uGh... fine!
  • SashaIcon Sasha I gotta practice a little bit before the others come anyways.
  • SashaIcon Sasha I'll song battle you for a bit and then you all go. Sound killer?
  • BFIcon Boyfriend ...
  • GFIcon Girlfriend yeah we'll go
  • BFIcon Boyfriend WH?!
  • SashaIcon Sasha Perfect, then everyone's happy!
  • BFIcon Boyfriend FINE!... Fine...
  • SashaIcon Sasha I don't hold back kid, so try not to croak mid song, okay?
  • BFIcon Boyfriend oh bring it!

Barrels Hammer Dialogue

  • Grime Not so fast!
  • [Suddenly, a hammer comes shooting out of the sky in a twinkle, and crashes onto Girlfriend's speakers, revealing Grime.]
  • Grime Sup.
  • GFIcon Girlfriend DUDE!! these were rentals!! Noooo....
  • SashaIcon Sasha Grimesyyy! Toad Army! Y'all made it!
  • Grime Sashaaa!... who are the two mini monsters?
  • BFIcon Boyfriend Are those talking frogs!!??
  • SashaIcon Sasha Toads.
  • GFIcon Girlfriend When you said you had a crew coming I thought it'd be like...
  • GFIcon Girlfriend maybe 2 other girls or something.
  • SashaIcon Sasha Psshhhhh, that's a different crew, girl.
  • SashaIcon Sasha But they're a little... wrapped up in something right nowww
  • SashaIcon Sasha so I'm rockin' with these guys!
  • GFIcon Girlfriend A little ominous on that "wrapped up in something" line
  • GFIcon Girlfriend but i get it.
  • GFIcon Girlfriend Alright, Boyfriend, we gotta go now.
  • BFIcon Boyfriend whaaaat???
  • GFIcon Girlfriend We promised, babe.
  • SashaIcon Sasha Now now wait just one moment.
  • SashaIcon Sasha This battle isn't over.
  • BFIcon Boyfriend Oh!?
  • SashaIcon Sasha You could handle me at my best...
  • SashaIcon Sasha but what if we take it up a notch?
  • BFIcon Boyfriend ...?
  • [Sasha strums her guitar, the gem in it sparking and flashing, now revealing Sasha charged up.]
  • BFIcon Boyfriend whuhuh?
  • GFIcon Girlfriend OKAY—- when did THAT start happening, girl?
  • SashaChargedIcon Sasha long story, tldr,
  • SashaChargedIcon Sasha I am awesome~!
  • SashaChargedIcon Sasha Now...
  • SashaChargedIcon Sasha Let's. Rock.

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