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I’m surprised someone as small as you didn’t break anything! - A.G.O.T.I.

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You have multiple colored microphones? I'll take the red one because I am really attracted to red.
― Veinady VeinadyIcon, Seeing Red

Veinady is an anthropomorphic bat that has turned anthro when a scientist gave her a little amount in his sample cup. Fortunately for Veinady, it worked, but unfortunately for the scientist, the bat escaped his lab. Since then, the scientist is currently hunting down the bat.

In VS Veinady, Boyfriend asks for Veinady to sing with him. Veinady agrees despite the fact that she has never sung before.


Veinady is a grey bat with red wings and a white belly. Her insides of her ears are pink. She wears a yellow cloth around her chest held together by a red gem. She wears a red skirt with red arrow patterns at the bottom. She has a red microphone in VS Veinady due to the fact that she is attacted to red like a magnet.



Seeing Red
BPM: 140
Scroll Speed: 2
BPM: 140
Scroll Speed: 2
BPM: 140
Scroll Speed: 2


Seeing Red Dialogue[]

Veinady: Lalalala...mmmm...

Veinady: ?!

Boyfriend: Beep.

Veinady: Oh hi, the girl with the red skirt and the boy with the red hat.

Veinady: What's your name?

Boyfriend: Bo ba bo bap.

Veinady: Boyfriend and Girlfriend?

Boyfriend: Bep.

Veinady: Well, my name's Veinady!

Veinady: I'm a bat.

Boyfriend: Be bo ba bopeebo.

Veinady: ???

Veinady: You want me to sing with you?

Boyfriend: Bep.

Veinady: Sure. I've never tried it before. I would want to try out singing!

Boyfriend: Skep do ba beep.

Veinady: You have multiple colored microphones?

Veinady: I'll take the red one because I am really attracted to red.

Veinady: I'm ready!

Boyfriend: BEEP!

Charged Dialogue[]

Veinady: Wow.

Veinady: That went better than I expected.

Veinady: Especially for a first.

Boyfriend: Ba bo beep bo bap skep ba?

Veinady: I would like to try it again!

Veinady: But this time I'm gonna pick up the pace a bit more.

Echolocating Dialogue[]

Boyfriend: Bap?

Veinady: I'm up here!

Veinady: You know, I feel like I'm really getting at it.

Veinady: So I'm gonna fly up here...

Veinady: ...view everything in a bird's eye view...

Veinady: And pick up the fastest pace I can pick up.

Veinady: And it's the perfect time for me too!

Veinady: It's been a long time since I actually used my wings.

Boyfriend: Bo bap.

Veinady: You know, if you can't handle it, you can stop.


Veinady: Okay, you said you won't leave.

Veinady: Here we go then!


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