This article contains potentially sensitive content that may be discomforting or upsetting to certain users. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: Screen shaking in Illusion and Hallucination.
This article contains content that may bring users with past trauma, to something that might cause a physical and/or mental reaction. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: Neo Monster in general might be unnerving to some. Especially the Neo Parents' appearance when Neo Boyfriend is hallucinating, such as Neo Mommy Mearest having a photorealistic mouth during her up pose. Not to mention that Neo Monster's design references the Corruption mod.
CHAOC... THE CHAOS - Tricky the Clown
This article requires cleanup as it likely contains bad grammar, bad formatting, bad file/image quality, lack of sources, or any other infringement found in the Style Manual. Help out the Funkipedia Mods Wiki by correcting it!
Issues detected: Tankman has white edges on his idle animation. Senpai has gray edges on his pose animations, 4.0 Girlfriend has a white background on her idle, and Neo Dad has red edges on his singing poses.
And now for our VERY special guest... Everyone welcome Friday Night Funkin': Neo!!! - Savannah Cheetaby
This mod is on the golden throne! It has more than 1,000,000 views on its download page and can be considered one of the best and most remembered mods in the Friday Night Funkin' community!
Reason: Even before the remaster, it was a very popular mod across the fanbase.
My ammo may be limitless, but my patience isn't. - Pico
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I had nothing TO DO, with Friday Night Funkin': Neo being doxxed. I didn't KNOW about Friday Night Funkin': Neo being doxxed. - Sticky
This mod is currently on hold. This may either mean that development is temporarily halted, or that the mod is temporarily unable to be downloaded to fix one or more issues that may be present, or the mod is on a long hiatus. More information can be found below.
Reason: PincerProd, the current mod director is focusing on Corruption mod for now. [1]
Until me and my friends make new games to play with you... see you next time. - MX
This mod is currently a demo and/or has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information.
Upcoming: Neo 4.0 in the works with redesigns for all characters
(...keep calm Macy, Friday Night Funkin': Neo's only like, 2 feet tall they can't hurt you.) - Macy
This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!
Reason: Poses for every character other than Monster, old versions of some of the songs, and the animations for week 5.
“Well, at least they know that we're watching. Always watching...”
― Monster, Funkin' Forward Teaser
Friday Night Funkin': Neo is a mod created by JellyFishedm. It overhauls the whole entire game including the logos, songs, charts, and stages. This entire mod takes on a futuristic neon look, with the characters themselves reflecting this change. The mod is still ongoing, so follow the official X and Discord for updates.
Neo Boyfriend
“It only means that your loss will be more embarrassing! Now, hit it!”
― Neo Boyfriend
Neo Boyfriend now wears a magenta hat with a black brim, a grey short-sleeved hoodie over a lavender shirt, dark blue pants, and black shoes. His hair is black with green on the tips of it.
In his 3.O redesign, he wears headphones, and a purple and green hoodie with grey sleeves and fingerless gloves. His facial expression is also changed.
In the upcoming 4.0 redesign, he is no longer wearing gloves, his hoodie is dark purple, His hair is almost fully exposed, and he also has a new facial expression. He now sports a magenta scarf and a pair of gaming headphones. The design was made by Phantom Fear, who is also best known for making the Corruption mod.
- Neo BF had braces when he first started rapping.
- Neo BF gets pissed off when someone eats his food.
- According to Jellyfish in the Neo Discord, Neo BF mains Ike in Smash and GF mains Bowser.
- According to LoFi Skelly in the Neo Discord, Neo BF is the son of Monster.
- Neo BF has a "glowstick cock".[2]
Neo Girlfriend
“Whoever we're going against I'm sure you'll destroy them, babe.”
― Neo Girlfriend
Neo Girlfriend now has black hair, and wears a magenta dress with dark grey stockings and red heels. The speakers she sits on now have a more futuristic design, with pink and blue glows coming from them.
In her 3.0 redesign, she wears a magenta top with a zipper and black shorts instead of a dress, purple gloves and shoes and her hair now has some pink streaks on it, as well as neon blue and pink hair clips. Her stockings are now shorter, barely reaching her knees, and each have a stripe on them (Neon blue for the right stocking, neon pink for the left stocking). She also wears blue heels.
In her upcoming 4.0 design, her hair is tied up in a ponytail with a large magenta bow rather than let down and sports a purple earpiece. Her hair is now pink and cyan and wears a sweater with a magenta collar and cyan sleeves with the shirt part being black. It also has a chain. She also wears black sneakers with magenta soles and black shoelaces.
- Girlfriend's favorite type of flowers are Azaleas.[5]
Neo Daddy Dearest
“No one's ever outshined Daddy Dearest at his best.”
― Neo Daddy Dearest
Neo Daddy Dearest now has blue skin and dark teal hair. His watch is now golden, and his glowing eyes are now bright pink, over which he wears black shades. He now wears black fingerless gloves with pink x's on them. His jacket is a darker shade of black, with tears in it on each sleeve, as well as neon blue and pink stripes. His belt buckle is now a golden x instead of a rectangle, his boots are now a different shade of black from his pants, and are lined with neon blue and pink spikes, as well as golden rings around the backside.
His creepy form shows him as somewhat mutilated. His eyes and seemingly melting mouth have been reduced to a dark void with realistic eyes and small teeth seen inside. On his face are a few purple splotches, and his left arm is missing. His right hand has been turned into a red claw.
Neo Skid & Pump
“AHEM! We still need to give the audience a performance, they came here for a reason! To hear us play!”
― Neo Skid
The bones on Skid's costume are now aqua green, while Pump's pumpkin head mask is now purple with the "stem" of it being aqua green, and his gloves are greyer. Skid's eyes are purple, while Pump's eyes are now aqua green, matching the other's costumes. Skid now wears a dark grey-and-seafoam green hoodie with a pink rectangle on the front and fingerless gloves, as well as black shoes with purple laces. Pump now wears grey gloves, a purple vest with white sleeves over a black undershirt, black pants and black shoes with aqua green laces. Both of them also sport prominent angry eyebrows. Pump also appear to have his square tooth back.
Their corrupted forms possess black and red skin. Skid has x's and crosses on his eyes and on his head. Skid also has two wings. Not much has changed for Pump rather instead having 4 small black wings on his back.
Neo Monster
“Why, hello there...”
― Neo Monster
Monster's head and neck are now cyan, while his head is split in two, with the right half being corrupted. His body is navy blue with neon blue stripes around the arms, while his fingers and toes glow neon pink. The right half of his body is also corrupted, resulting in an extra finger on his right hand, exposed ribs and the back of his leg bone being exposed.
- Neo Monster's half-red-and-black appearance, as well as the appearances of the crowd in Hallucination, all reference the Corruption mod by Phantom Fear.
- Neo Monster's right pupil changes when singing to match the arrow he hits.
Neo Pico
“He might have been too slow to catch you... but I don't think you'll be able to outrun my bullets.”
― Neo Pico
Neo Pico has black hair, a black shirt, grey pants, and black & light grey shoes. His gun now emits a magenta glow. In his redesign, he wears a visor, headphones and a jacket. His shoe colors are also different.
His corrupted form has 2 eyes and claws and his is stained with red gunk and his left hand is shown to be erased.
- Pico has a teeth gap.[7]
- Neo Pico is trans and was canonically dating Neo Whitty in this mod prior to the latter's removal.[8]
- In which, Neo Pico is FTM.
Neo Mommy Mearest
“... Hey I have an idea!”
― Mommy Mearest, Post-M.I.L.F.
Neo Mommy Mearest has blue skin like her husband, black hair, and purple fingernails. Her earrings are now neon pink, and her eyes now glow blue. She wears a blue jacket with lighter blue fur trim around the sleeves and front over a purple shirt, and black pants with neon blue and neon pink rings around her ankles. Her high heels are now black.
Her creepy form shows her as a mutilated corpse as her leg, foot, and chest have been seemingly ripped out. Her face only shows a dark void with realistic eyes and small teeth.
Neo Senpai
Neo Senpai is an upcoming opponent for Week 6.
- His facial structure is based off of the Helios statue.
- He's wearing a baggy jacket with the neo colors, with Windows logo being in the center.
- His hair and skin are now silver.
- He isn't pixelated.
- His hair is now black instead of blonde.
- In Roses, he's holding a knife in his right hand.
- He has Neo styled glasses on his head.
- He now has a sweater on instead of a shirt.
Gallery (Old)
Neo Tankman
“He's about y'ay high, short, and looks- ugh... Very ugly.”
― Neo Tankman, Update 3.0 Teaser Trailer 2
Neo Tankman has several obvious differences from his original design, including:
- His goggles are cracked and are no longer white.
- He uses a gun, which is now in a cyan/teal color.
- His suit is now different
- He sports a black bandana around his mouth.
- He wears a black jacket with a t-shirt underneath it with the word XO.
Neo Spirit
Neo Spirit's icon is seen in an old icon grid. He is seen with a cyan soul and magenta eyes. He was scrapped after the team decided to have Senpai in Thorns instead.
Neo Garcello
“Tight ass little man...”
― Neo Garcello
Neo Garcello has several differences from his normal design, those being:
- He now wears his hat backwards, with a pair of headphones over it.
- He now vapes instead of smokes.
- He is now a cyborg instead of a human.
- He now has a cybernetic arm.
- He now wears a normal jacket instead of a trench coat.
- In Nerves, his right eye glows red.
Gallery (Headache)
Gameplay Mechanics
- During Illusion and Hallucination, Neo Monster slowly drains your health over time whenever he sings. Health draining still occurs even when Neo Monster is not singing.
Trivia (General)
- There was a staff/scythe like weapon in the alleyway of the first 3.0 trailer, referencing Zardy.
- In the 3.0 update trailer, the alley wall has the same graffiti markings of Whitty's face as the Whitmore trailer did before it was cancelled.
- The 3.0 update was planned to be released on Saturday, August 21st 2021, EDT, but was delayed to finish working on new features and mechanics.
- There is a song called Trick or Treat left in the files, though it is just Tutorial without the instrumental. It became Illusion, Monster's song.
- FNF: Neo is currently the 9th most downloaded mod, with over 875.7k downloads (as of November 11, 2021).
- Hidden in the files are the old dialogues and sprites for the Tutorial plus Weeks 1-4 (although there is nothing for South, High and M.I.L.F.), (assets/data/tutorial-satin-panties) (see below)
- These old dialogues confirm that Pico might be running from the police, Skid and Pump are young musicians or DJs, and the location is apparently called "Neo City" where people's music is everyone's opinion on that person.
- As of the 3.0 update, Skid and Pump have been confirmed to be egotistical rappers, and Pico is indeed hiding from the law, as evidenced by a wanted poster of him. This also goes for the rest of Monster's gang (Tankman, Fever and Whitty)
- A Smoke Em' Out Struggle Neo version was being worked on however it was cancelled.[9]
- The composer for the Neo mod, JellyFish, did 4 livestreams where he remixed all the song of Smoke Em' Out Struggle. (stream links: stream 1 stream 2 stream 3 stream 4).
- In Garcello's third track, Release, instead of saying "Tight bars, little man." he says "Tight ass, little man."
- Neo Boyfriend's glowing green streak in his hair is natural.
- In Trailer 2 for 3.0, Tankman and Whitty and Monster are all voiced by RecD, as seen in the credits in the description of the trailer.
- RecD also voices them in-game, along with Pico.
- Despite him appearing in Trailer 2, Whitty will not be getting his own week, complying with the wishes of his creator.[10]
- Neo Spirit will not be in this mod. Senpai's week will have another 3rd phase instead.
- B3 Boyfriend and Soft Boyfriend make a cameo in Week 5.
- Lore-wise, they and Neo BF are best friends. They go out for hamburgers on Saturdays and play Fortnite together.
- In South, Neo Kapi and Neo Supercario can be seen in the crowd.
- During Eggnog, Sans' vocals can be heard.
- In Week 5, many mod characters can be seen in Neo form, such as:
- Hatsune Miku: Her hair is black with neon green stripes and her bands are blue and magenta.She wears a purple vest and cyan fingerless gloves and her tie is neon green and is torn.She wears violet pants and black shoes with different colored soles.
- Hex: His left eye is magneta while his right eye and mouth are blue.He wears a black hoodie with magenta and blue stripes and a purple t shirt.His shorts are purple and now wears purple and neon green sneakers.
- Ayana: Her hair is now black with magenta stripes and sports sunglasses, a black face mask and a black trench coat with her top being black and her shorts being magenta.she also wears black fingerless gloves and her stockings being cross net and having glow sticks around her ankles.
- Garcello
- Matt: He wears a black-and-yellow vest with matching headband over a brown shirt and black pants with white stripes.
- Bob
- Impostor
- Banjo & Kazooie
- Ron
- Boo Queen: Her hair is now black and light blue and now wears a black mask and a purple short sleeve jacket with xO on the left side and fingerless gloves.
- There's also a Neo Madness Combat Grunt seen in Week 5.
- The eyes of the Eyes of the Universe can be seen above the moon in Week 5, with its left eye pink and right eye blue. A corrupted variant is also present during Hallucination, now with visible teeth.
- In Week 1, Neo Ruv and Bob are in the crowd.
- Carol isn't canon in this mod.
- Neo BF and GF are actually a music duo.[14]
- Both Neo Monster and Clone Sonic share a song name, being Illusion.
- Neo Daddy Dearest and B3 BF jump Frank Fairest every Saturday.
Cameos in other mods
Note: None of these cameos are canon to FNF: Neo's story.
- In Friday Night Funkin' HD, Neo Boyfriend can appear on a billboard that passes by in Week 4. This means that Neo and HD Boyfriend co-exist in the FNF HD timeline, despite being the same character but originating from different timelines.
- In The Date Week, Neo Boyfriend can be seen in the background of Heartbass.
- In VS UniqueGeese - Feathery Fight, in UniqueGeese Week 2: AU Attack, Neo Boyfriend goes against Neo UniqueGeese.
- In Date-Night Masses, Neo Boyfriend appears in the background of Together.
(Neo Remix) |
1.4 (Normal) 1.6 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
1.5 (Normal) 1.8 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
2.2 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
1.6 (Normal) 2.4 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
2.5 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
1.5 (Normal) 2.5 (Hard) |
(Monster Neo Remix) |
Lyrics: (Why, hello there...)
All the children in one place now! ... Hope you mind if I upstage you! ... Thought I'd drop by To lay your careers to waste now! ... Tear you apart, Rip out your music's heart and rip out All your real hearts too! This world's grown so toothless and tame It's replacing the monster That made an art of killing! ... They'll Know My Name When Their Heart Beat's Stilling ... What have you got, Just a couple corny jumpscares? ... Screaming for a Second's no time! ... Terror comes from knowing your Demise is waitin' for you everywhere! ... But don't you worry, Won't see your end coming when Your Eyes Are Mine (See you soon, little Boyfriend...) |
(Neo Remix) |
(Neo Remix) |
2.3 (Normal) 2.6 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
1.9 (Normal) 2.7 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
2.5 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
2.8 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
2.1 (Normal) 2.6 (Hard) |
(Neo Remix) |
(Neo Remix) |
2.1 (Normal) 2.4 (Hard) |
(Winter Horrorland Neo Remix) |
2.2 (Normal) 2.6 (Hard) |
Lyrics: Calm down and gaze a little wider,
Look at the lovely world I've made up here! ... Let me inject some lemon cider, Please don't be frightened, Child, dissolve your fear! ... Where to start, how to start? Why not with a gentle touch? Just some words, a Faint hallucination, Promise it won't hurt too much... ... Look! Deep into the street lights shining above Soak in all their their warm, sweet, sedative love! Every breath you take embracing your mind Leaving all your conscious thoughts behind! ... Nothing can hurt you while you're in it's glow, And if something did, you wouldn't know! Aren't you entranced now? Dazzled, more or less! Here's your chance to drop and take a rest... ... Fighting to stay awake? Not the wisest choice my friend... You can have the sweetest little dreams or Face the foes plotting your end... Listen, there they are again! ... Bake you up Until you're golden Brown... Stuff You With Spices Serve You To Friends Around ... Goodness, how horrid, I'll protect you That is, if you can't Fight them on your own ... But I can't do the things I best do If you don't hear my words and mine alone... ... Let my voice shoot through your Brain just like a Laser beam, Take a deep breath, Sleep a little while, As I creep into your Dreams... ... (Laughter) |
Note: There is no dialogue for South, High, and M.I.L.F In Unused Dialogues
Tutorial Dialogue
Aw man... I can't believe we're finally gonna face your dadBoyfriend
I really hope I beat him so we can get admitted to a gig.Boyfriend
You DID say he admitted rappers to shows and such, yeah?Girlfriend
Mhm! He gives out rap battle opportunities to anyone he deems good enough.Boyfriend
I know DAMN well I'm good enough.Girlfriend
Let's warm up a bit first though, mkay?Boyfriend
You got it!
Bopeebo Dialogue
Daddy Dearest
So, you're that kid that wants to be the next star in this place, eh? You sure you could handle it?Boyfriend
'Course I can! I'll sure as hell be able to handle it, maybe even better than you.Daddy Dearest
Your attitude says otherwise, kid. I'll still give you a chance at this though.Boyfriend
Bring it, shit lips!Daddy Dearest
Alright. Your funeral.
Fresh Dialogue
Dad Battle Dialogue
Daddy Dearest
Well would you look at that, we attracted a bit of a crowd! That's impressive...Daddy Dearest
Welp, it's been fun messing with ya, but I'm going all out on this one.Daddy Dearest
You can say goodbye to those naive little dreams of yours.Daddy Dearest
For good.Daddy Dearest
No one's ever outshined Daddy Dearest at his best.Boyfriend
Looks like I'll just need to be the first to do it then!Daddy Dearest
Big talk for someone your size.Boyfriend
It only means that your loss will be more embarrassing!Boyfriend
Now, hit it!
Post-Dad Battle Dialogue
Daddy Dearest
You've got to be kidding me.Boyfriend
How does it feel to be outshined at "your best"?Daddy Dearest
You're acting like my glory days are over. So, uh, thanks for the Mid-Life Crisis, asshole.Boyfriend
You talk SO MUCH man.Boyfriend
Just shup and get me admitted to a gig already.Daddy Dearest
Fine. The Spookeez are playing in the Raveyard in a few hours,Daddy Dearest
I'll help you get a battle in with them.Daddy Dearest
They keep wiping the floor with everyone that tries to battle them.Daddy Dearest
I'd love to see you get your ass handed to you by a few REAL Rock Stars.Boyfriend
Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to kick their ass too.Daddy Dearest
***Picks up the phone***Daddy Dearest
Ay, he's heading over there now. Be on alert and have someone on standby in case stuff gets shakey...- ???
Spookeez Dialogue
The raveyard. This is gonna be easy game, don't ya think, GF?Girlfriend
Yeah! Whoever we're going against I'm sure you'll destroy them, babe.Boyfriend
Hey you kids! We're here for the rap battle against the Spookeez, we heard they were playing here in a bit. You know where they are?Skid
That would be us! Can't you recognise us you dickweed? We were just about to head on stage!Pump
Yeah, dickweed!Boyfriend
You got some sharp tongues for kids your age.Skid
Yeah, so what?Pump
Yeah! So what?Boyfriend ...
(Whispering) Skid, didn't he say something about a battle?Boyfriend
Well at least one of you kids listened!Skid ...
If you want the battle, then you came to the right place! We're gonna beat you so hard that you're gonna be 6 feet under!Pump
Yeah! This'll be easy!Pump
(Whispering) ...Skid, we still need to get on stage.Pump
Oh yeah.Skid
AHEM! We still need to give the audience a performance, they came here for a reason! To hear us play!Boyfriend
Then let's give the audience a show!
South Dialogue
Post-South Dialogue
Was that also just "beginner's luck"?Skid
Yeah! W-we just went medium on you!Pump
(Whisper) My throat kinda hurts, Skid.Skid
(Whisper) One more song.Boyfriend
Sure sure, so you actually gonna do "your best" this time around?Skid
Yeah! No more going easy on you!Pump
Yeah! We're gonna beat you this time around-- [*CRASH*]
- [*The crowd runs out in a panic*]
Oh, did I crash your little party...? That's too bad, as this'll be the last time you see anyone else...Monster
After all, I can't let you experience the burden I've carried for the past 7 years...
Illusion Dialogue
Pico Dialogue
Philly Nice Dialogue
Blammed Dialogue
Tch. Why do you have to put up such a fight, ey?Pico
Why can't you just go with it... Just accept your fate and come with us. It's inevitable.Boyfriend
What kind of shit are you guys on? How the hell do you expect to go with you guys!? I don't know any of you!Boyfriend
And you literally threatened to SHOOT ME!Pico ...
That aside...Pico
Trust me I'll explain when we get to the base...Pico
Post-Blammed Dialogue
You're starting to piss me off here.Pico
Geez, calm down man-Pico
What do you think you're doing man? The boss said we need him ALIVE...Pico
Come on, they need us all to meet each other.Whitty
Let him go, we'll get him soon enough, I promise.Pico
Fuck both of you.Boyfriend
Yeah yeah... Cmon GF, let's goGirlfriend
Right...Mommy Mearest
Oh HEYYY you two!Boyfriend
Who... are you??Girlfriend
Mom!?Mommy Mearest
I saw you performing the Spookeez Raveyard just a bit ago... You've got REAL balls, kid.Boyfriend
?Mommy Mearest
I'm just about to do a quick music video shoot before I head to a party...Mommy Mearest
and I really need a person to duet with... Would you like to be in the music video with me?Boyfriend
HELL YEAH!Boyfriend
LET'S GO!Girlfriend
Oh boy...Girlfriend
This is gonna be a real wild night...
Satin Panties Dialogue
What's the matter? Got a lil' stage fright?Boyfriend
It's not that...Boyfriend
It's just...Boyfriend
I know! The view is amazing from up here!Mommy Mearest
Don't tell me you're afraid of a mere thirty four thousand seven hundred foot drop!Boyfriend ...
Mommy Mearest
Anyways, roll the cameras!Mommy Mearest
You know what to do, right glowsdick?Boyfriend
You mean "glowstick", right?Mommy Mearest
High Dialogue
I'm gettin' the hang of this!Mommy Mearest
Haven't fallen off yet?Mommy Mearest
Doing better than my husband's career...Boyfriend
I'm sure that's not the only thing I can do better than your husband.Girlfriend
I'm actually there for GF, unlike him.Girlfriend
OH-Mommy Mearest
You're pushing your boundaries a little too far, boy... let's roll the next song.
M.I.L.F Dialogue
Post-M.I.L.F Dialogue
Is that it? Is it over?Mommy Mearest ...
Mommy Mearest ...
Boyfriend ...
Mommy Mearest
...Hey I have an idea!Mommy Mearest
I'm actually supposed to be going to a party with a few other big faces from all over neo city.Mommy Mearest
I can get you both in if you want; take it as a celebration for us finishing this music videoGirlfriend
Wow mom, really?Boyfriend
Yeah that'd be amazing!Mommy Mearest
Alright then let's land this plane and head over there.Boyfriend
"Let's" land this plane??Mommy Mearest
Yeah who else would be flying it?Boyfriend ...
what the fuck, man.
Cocoa Dialogue
Wow, this party is amazing!Boyfriend
So many big faces, so much food, so much-Girlfriend
Shouldn't we be meeting up with my parents, BF?Girlfriend
Mom said they needed us for something during the party as we were getting off the plane.Boyfriend
I was hoping you were going to forget about that…Mommy Mearest
Hey Glowsdick!!!!Boyfriend
God damn it.Daddy Dearest
We were wonderin if you'd like to have another go at this whole rap battle thingDaddy Dearest
Two of us against one of you; whaddya say?Boyfriend
I say you're on, shit lips!Daddy Dearest