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THE HALO... - Nexus Tricky
This mod is on the golden throne! It has more than 1,000,000 views on its download page and can be considered one of the best and most remembered mods in the Friday Night Funkin' community!
Oh... oh no... - Dave
The development or possible updates of this mod have been canceled, so new content is not expected. The reasons for this vary, such as controversies, lack or loss of interest/passion, or simply a lack of ideas.
Reason: Reboot is cancelled[1]
I’m surprised someone as small as you didn’t break anything! - A.G.O.T.I.
This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!
Reason: Missing Beta Boyfriend's Week 5 animations and Minus Girlfriend's speakerless animations.
Friday Night Funkin' Minus is a mod created by IagoAnims, where the character's designs are based on their icons. The first release of this mod came out on January 31, 2021, it was planned to have a reboot, but it was cancelled. Because the characters are based on their icons, lagoAnims made sure to put their exact expression on each of the characters.
The Minus Boyfriends
“You’re right…I just gotta believe!”
― Beta
“Oh? You like to sing? I do too! Want to sing together for a bit? I could teach you a thing or two if you want!”
― Blue
“I’m sure I can take whatever challenge you could possibly throw at me.”
― Mean
“Resulting in dirty tricks to try and win a battle? That’s noooo good! Let’s finish this off right!”
― Golden
The Minus Boyfriends are the main protagonists of this mod. There are three of them, named Beta Boyfriend (voiced by Vachildish[3]), Blue Boyfriend (voiced by MeepMemez), and Mean Boyfriend (voiced by JordopriceVA).
Before starting a Week in Story Mode or a song in Freeplay, the player has the option to choose between the three different looking Minus Boyfriends.
In the scrapped update, each of them would have had their own voice samples, each taken from different chromatics found in base game; Beta would've had a more high-pitched and cute BF voice, Blue would still use standard BF's vocals, and Mean would've used deep vocals.
There was also going to be a fourth Minus Boyfriend, called Golden Boyfriend. He now appears in [Minus Love Letter].
Beta Boyfriend
Beta Boyfriend is based off of his original icon that was used until the week 4 update (although you can switch between the normal icon and the old icon in the Week 4 update onwards by pressing the 9 key). His skin and cap are a bitter lime and he has round azure blue eyes. He wears shadow black fingerless gloves, shadow black pants and wears a pair of shadow black and powder white sneakers.
Blue Boyfriend
Minus Cerulean Blue Boyfriend is based off of the current BF icon and resembles normal Boyfriend the most. He is primarily cerulean blue and wears an open honey orange street-jacket with light sunflower yellow ruffles and stripes over a shadow black shirt, as well as shadow black pants and large shadow black sneakers with an honey orange trim.
Mean Boyfriend
Mean Boyfriend is based off of the very first Boyfriend concept icon, as seen in the "grafix.png" file in Friday Night Funkin'. He is royal blue and wears a cherry red cap, a shadow black jacket with grape purple highlights and a large zipper, and shadow black and cherry red sneakers with large laces. While singing the right note, he gains sunglasses.
Golden Boyfriend
Golden Boyfriend is a minus Boyfriend that is not based on an existing bf icon and is more so an OC character. He is gold in color, with golden skin, spiky hair with a separated ahoge, and black eyes. He is the only Minus Boyfriend not wearing a cap. In his miss animations, his eyes turns into white. He wears a black t-shirt with a red exclamation mark symbol, red shorts, black fingerless gloves, and black & red shoes with white soles. He holds his microphone on the left hand. In his v-pose, a golden aura appears for a brief of moment, and he has golden balls as seen in his game over.
Beta Boyfriend
- Age: 19
- A really nice and friendly dude. Loves GF with all his heart.
- Loves to rap. Take inspiration from Parappa. Beta hopes to make it big and be just like him.
- He’ll take any challenge to hone his skills. Practically undefeated in rap battles, which makes him a bit cocky.
- Leading from the last point, this leads to the conflict in week 4. Pico refuses to play by the rules and almost kills Beta. This leads to him losing confidence in his skills and leads to him struggling against Mommy Mearest and the battle goes down to the wire.
- Meets GF after a rap battle at the corner of an intersection downtown.
Blue Boyfriend
- Age: 18
- He is baby, your honor.
- Cute dude and a very talented singer.
- A bit scatterbrained.
- Very innocent and honest. Doesn’t even swear unless very emotionally distraught. (he gets to say ‘fuck’ in week 5. As a treat.)
- Has a bit of a temper. Has a bad habit of saying things he really shouldn’t when angered. This stems from being picked on for a good portion of his childhood. Almost gets him killed in week 1, 3,and 4.
- Used to be a very shy and introverted person. However, he learned how to talk to people and make friends with the help of Prince, the protagonist of his favorite childhood video game.
- Is roommates with Golden Boyfriend.
- Is a Dog??? [4]
- Lil brother of Hatsune Miku.
- GF met him after hearing him singing late one night in an alleyway. She approached him to compliment him on his singing and they hit it off from there.
Mean Boyfriend
- Age: 21
- A tough and mean bastard with a bit of a soft side.
- Pretty nice when it comes to kids. However, his time as a mercenary has led him to distrust most adults. In his experience, they usually always have ulterior motives and aren’t above ruining someone’s life or killing to get what they want.
- He has a resting bitchface. Looks like someone that will put you on your ass if you wrong him. Which he will.
- After several years of being a mercenary, he wants nothing more than to live a relatively normal life with Beta and Blue. That lasts about 2 years before he meets GF and that starts a chain reaction that forces him to confront his past in Week 3.
- After leaving the mercenary life, he wanted to pursue the life of a rapper.
- Is good friend with Blue and Beta. Blue BF is like a little brother to him and Beta is his best pal.
- He ends up meeting GF at an underground rap concert.
Golden Boyfriend
- Age:???
- Amnesia be damned my boy can fucking rap.
- Alien?????
- Practically a god.
- Super powerful and intelligent.
- One of the best officers of the Cosmic Reality patrol
- Revived William after pulling out the parasite and dying during the climax of week 5.
- Likes lizards.
- Buddies with the 3 other minus bfs
- Roommates with Blue Boyfriend
- Met Gf and the other minus BFs after they had found him unconscious. They thought that he was just some homeless dude who was nearby when an asteroid or something hit the ground and sent him flying.
- After getting swatted down into the minus reality, he loses his memories. He reverts back an old version of himself: cocky, rude, and not as smart. He basically forgets everything he had learned during his time as an enforcer and most of his long life. He gets all his memories back after week 7.
- FNF Minus is a mod where all of the characters are based off their icons, which explains the existence of three different Boyfriend versions.
- The Beta BF is based on Boyfriend's old icon, used in updates prior to the addition of week 4, but is still available when 9 is pressed on the keyboard.
- The Mean BF is based on the placeholder icon in pre-development, it can still be found in the game files in the image grafix.png along with unused icons of Daddy Dearest.
- Golden Boyfriend however is not based on an existing BF icon and is the only original minus boyfriend not based on an existing icon.
- There's a mistake involving Mean BF's death animation, with his blue balls being misplaced. They aren't misplaced on his FLA file however.
- In the death animation on Mean BF, it can be seen that that there’s a bone in his hat, suggesting that the hat may be a part of him. It could either be a joke or a mistake because Iago was either tired or distracted while making the death animation.
- Iago has confirmed that Beta Boyfriend is not wearing a shirt.
- In a Twitch live stream, the creator jokingly stated that Blue Boyfriend's name was "Idiot".
- According to the creator in a now deleted tweet, Beta Bf is the main protagonist of Minus
- This could possibly hint to his story being the main timeline.
- Beta Boyfriend soiled himself in 5th grade.[5]
- Mean Bf used to be a mercenary with Pico
- Additionally, he and Pico grew up in an orphanage.
- Mean BF knows how to street fight.
- Mean BF’s favorite show is Dragon ball Z
- Despite popular belief (Mainly X/X), Blue Boyfriend is not a femboy.
- Golden Boyfriend suffers from amnesia.
- His side story is about him rediscovering who he was with the help of Girlfriend.
- Golden has super powers, and is slowly remembering how to use them.
- His side story is about him rediscovering who he was with the help of Girlfriend.
- Beta, Blue, Mean, and Golden BF all actually know each other and are close friends in the story. They are all NOT dating GF at the same time. Whoever the player picks to play, the story will pick up in that timeline where GF is dating him.
“Saaaaaaay…that little thing that held you up wouldn't happen to have been a random rap battle that you couldn’t help but join in on, was it?.”
― GF
Minus Girlfriend is the minus version of Girlfriend, and the lover of the player’s minus boyfriend of choice.
She is crimson pink and wears a black one piece suit with a white minus symbol on the chest, fishnet stockings, black gloves and black high-heel shoe boots. Her face is always seen with a small blush.
Her old design, made prior to the Week 4 ("Mom") update, was a very simple OG GF sprite edit that merely swapped out her head shape with a newer design, while still keeping the OG's eyes and mouth, which was painted white. Her body seemed to be somewhat different as well, looking a bit more flat chested when compared to OG GF or New Minus GF.
The week 4 ("Mom") update gave her a more distinct appearance, having a rounder head with original facial features. Her body is also different as well, giving her a more pear-shaped body figure. Her legs are completely different as well, being a lot longer and a lot larger, although her legs were never intended to be as thickened as they currently are.
- Age: 20
- The friendly, sassy, and supportive other main character.
- She loves the minus BF of choice with all her heart. Will do whatever she needs to to be happy with them.
- She loves to tease and play with BF, but knows when too much is too much.
- Will let the BF fight his battles, but will step in if she thinks he’s in danger that he can’t get out of.
- Part demon.
- British.
- Loves her family, but is more than aware that they aren’t very good people. *Doesn’t get too angry when people talk shit about them.
- Minus Girlfriend's thighs weren't supposed to be thickened. It was accidental because of IagoAnims's lack of anatomy skills in drawing but eventually decided to leave it as it is, because a lot of people liked her design.[6]
- According to the creator, Minus Girlfriend doesn’t have a primary Minus Boyfriend she falls for. She likes them equally and they’re cool with that.[7]
Daddy Dearest
“You call that killer music? You wouldn’t know killer music if it bit you in your arse”
― Daddy Dearest
Minus Daddy Dearest is the antagonist of Week 1.
He is primarily grape purple and wears a harlequin green coat with shadow black pants and pointy shoes. He has spiked hair and glowing golden yellow eyes, the latter being hidden in his idle animation.
- Daddy Dearest's eyes being hidden in his idle animation could be a reference to his icon in the "grafix.png" file, the same one where Mean BF came from, as his icon there is missing eyes as well.
Skid & Pump
“Well…Pump and I like to do many things! Like draw, sing, play board games”
― Skid
Minus Skid & Pump are the main opponents of Week 2.
Skid is a monster appearing to be made of some platinum gray (minus his head), who is controlling Pump with two strings; the latter appearing to be a lifeless puppet in this mod. Pump's eyes are off, one of them looking up while the other is looking down. Pump has a fully pastel orange pumpkin head and wears shadow black clothes with shadow black and powder white shoes.
“Client has told me a lot about you mate! It’s been quite a while since I've had some fun. Try not to bore me, yeah?”
― Pico
Minus Pico is the antagonist of Week 3.
His hair and skin is colored a harlequin green and his hair pointed upwards to resemble a dinosaur's spikes. He wears a full body india green dinosaur hoodie with the hood down, a long tail with pastel yellow spikes and a zip at the front. He carries an uzi in his right hand and a microphone with his left.
- Surprisingly, Minus Pico doesn't use his mic, despite him being seen holding it. It is assumed to be either an error by the developer or they simply wanted to make him not use it.
- He’s canonically Australian
- He and Mean Bf are childhood friends but are in bad terms
- As of the events of week 7 however, they reconcile.
- Minus Pico isn’t actually a dinosaur; he’s actually a lizard that pretends to be one.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep runt! I’m about to send you flying!”
― Mommy Mearest
Mommy Mearest
Minus Mommy Mearest is the antagonist of Week 4. She is the mother of Minus Girlfriend.
She is fandango pink, wearing a shadow black top with belt buckles upper sleeves and slick sleeves over the top, and multiple golden yellow stripes and accents. She has curled pants and heel boots, the latter also having belt buckles and golden yellow soles. She has a microphone in her left hand.
- Minus Mommy Mearest's eyes are yellow despite them being white in her icon, although this was probably done so that she matches with Daddy Dearest.
“Enough playing with my food. It’s time to eat!”
William , more commonly known as Minus Monster, is the final antagonist of Week 2 and Week 5, now re-added with the Week 7 Update.
William is a large monster with a canary blonde, yellow head shaped like a lemon. His arms and legs are very big, and his claw-like fingers. His legs a have a static-like texture. He sports a ripped strait-jacket with a large blood stain on it and his pupils are big and there is what appears to be blood at the bottom of his eyes. He also has very large teeth forming a eerily large smile.
- The thing coming out of Minus Monster at the end of his up pose is some sort of parasite that possessed him.
- This monstrous parasite is what makes William crave blood and human flesh. He’s always fighting its influence, however after the events of week 5, he had manage to overcome the parasite and ripped it off of him, making William no longer hungry or murderous.
- Monster's teeth are white despite them being yellow in his icon.
- Monster's full up pose isn't normally seen in-game since his idle animation or any other note cuts it off.
- Monster's real name "William" is not inspired by William Afton.[8]
- He’s married to Minus Lila and is Skid’s Father.
- He had eaten Pump when he was still human, with pump’s soul being transferred into the pump puppet.
- He, alongside Lila, take the role of Daddy and Mommy during week 5, with the parasite taking the role of Winter Horrorland.
Minus Senpai is a currently scrapped character in the Minus Mod. He's a Prince and Voice Acted by GoodUniverseVA.
Minus Senpai appears as an orange 3D human with orange hair, white eyes with black sclera and pink blushes on his cheeks. He wears a fancy outfit that consists of a dark purple overcoat with light pink shoulder pads, a white undershirt, light gray pants and a pair of dark gray boots. Like most characters in the mod, he holds a microphone with his left hand.
In his mad phase, his white pupils now glow red as his face sports an angry expression. A small flame also appears on his right shoulder pad.
Iago revealed both scrapped designs of Minus Senpai and Spirit on X.[9]
Minus Spirit is a scrapped character in the Minus Mod. He was supposed to be the final antagonist for Week 6.
Minus Spirit utilizes the same 3D body and outfit like Minus Senpai, except his whole body is pink with a skull-like face. The shoulder pads on his coat and microphone are completely absent and a small flame appears on his right sleeve.
Iago revealed both scrapped designs of Minus Senpai and Spirit on X.[9]
“Man who the fuck you calling broke bruh, that's why you deadass built like a-”
― Minus Tankman , Ugh (Minus Remix)
Minus Tankman is a character in the Minus Mod.
His appearance seems to be based off of the literal interpretation of the name "Tankman", gaining a bulkier build than his original, outfitted with arm cannons, and tank treads on his feet. Of course, his redesign still keeps his signature tank top. He is currently scrapped.Trivia (General)
- Despite having no icon, the Henchmen have received the minus treatment, making them the first character(s) that has been redesigned without an actual icon to base it off of.
- Minus Zardy is a girl, as shown in concept art.
- The Minus mod is one of the few mods that include characters that aren't scared by thunder in Week 2, and that is Mean BF here, who looks at the player instead of reacting usually.
- Other examples include: Sonic from Sonic's Rhythm Rush and Fever from Friday Night Fever.
- The names of the weeks are changed:
- Goth GF Tutorial
- Ex Rockstar
- Creepy Month
- Dino Pico
- Rider Mommy
- Static
- Gentleman Tutorial Ft. Prince
- As of March 31st, 2021, most FLA files for the mod are available to download. Minus Daddy Dearest and Skid & Pump are not available due to Iago losing them.
- There is an image of the Drip Goku meme in the Beta Boyfriend's flash file.
- This is one of the few mods where the player can select a character without changing the normal BF assets.
- Minus Senpai is a prince as stated in an interview with IagoAnims[10].
- It has been confirmed multiple times that the three Boyfriends and Girlfriend are not in a polyamorous relationship. The Boyfriend trio are simply friends and are having a friendly competition over Girlfriend on who can rap better.
- In the original FNF files, Pico's assets are named Pico_FNF_Assetss.png. It's either part of the reason Minus Pico is a lizard, or it's a coincidence.
- The Dearest family, including Goth GF, Ex Rockstar, and Rider Mommy are confirmed to be British.
- William (Lemon) is canonically Skid's father.[11]
- Beta Boyfriend and Minus Pico are confirmed to be ex-lovers, while the latter and Mean Boyfriend are ex-friends[12]. It is unknown what Minus Pico's relationship with Blue Boyfriend was, if they ever knew each other at all.
- The current rendition of Minus’ lore can be read here.
- Week 7's script and the old version of Week 2 can be read here:
- The mod was going to be updated using the Psych Engine as seen here.[13]
- Minus was going to end with the Minus universe getting rebooted. When Halobeast started writing the rewrites, Iago was trying to make the Minus Reboot. Halo had an idea that could make both timelines canon. Halo had the idea that the negative energy from everyone on the old Minus dev team in the final days before cancelation is what makes Golden end up in Minus. As soon as week 7 ends, Golden was going to get his memories back just before Iago hits the “Reboot” button, causing him to get thrown out of the universe because he didn’t belong there. He was not one of Iago’s creations, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to be there in the reboot. Golden wakes up drifting in space shortly after and goes back to investigate, only to see that everything and EVERYONE not only doesn’t know him, but acts differently. Even the aura of the universe is completely different. The world that he knew is gone and he is utterly defeated. It’s unknown if this is still canon to Minus’ story as it was made when Halo was still upset about minus’ cancellation.
Music (Cancelled)
Note: All music present in the public builds are the same as the base game
(Minus Remix) |
(Bopeebo Minus Remix) |
Appears in Minus Love Letter |
(Fresh Minus Remix) |
Appears in Minus Love Letter |
(Minus Remix) |
Appears in Minus Love Letter as "Cocoanuts" |
Gallery (General)
Download Links
- GameBanana
- MediaFire (FLA Files)
Characters | Ankha・Blue Baby・ Cablecrow・ Camellia・ Cartoon Cat・ Cassette Girl・ ENA・ Epiphany Monika・ Garcello (Gubuch)・ Gold (Minuschrome・Davidgreen123)・ Hex・ Huggy Wuggy (Endah・kekMogus)・Mario(SMK)・ MissingNo. (EMG478・Penguinsmh)・ Momi・Mono・ Nikusa・ Selever・ Shaggy・ Sky・Sunday・ Sunky.MPEG・ Taeyai・ Tricky (BYOK・EMERALD Zone・ZERO ARTIST)・ Zardy・ Skibidi Toilet |
Mods | |
Reskin/Remixes | |
Misc. Mods | Artistic Altitude・Doki Doki Takeover・Friday Night At The Club!・Friday Night Funkin': Crystal・Friday Night Funkin’: McMadness・Hazy River・Night of the Funky Bot・Ruria, Racked & Ruined・Soul Venom・Tails Gets Trolled・Vs. Ace・Vs. Henry Stickmin・VS. Immoral Madness・VS. Jenny・Vs. Juko・Vs. Rayna・Vs. RetroSpecter・VS UniqueGeese - Feathery Fight・FNF Weekly |
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