I just wanna be left alone... - Brightside
The development or possible updates of this mod have been canceled, so new content is not expected. The reasons for this vary, such as controversies, lack or loss of interest/passion, or simply a lack of ideas.
Reason: Luna has gotten tired of making covers
This page is out of date, which means the mod has either released or received the long-awaited update. Remove this template only when at least more than half of the new content is present on the page. Don't forget to always check social media in case more trivia has been posted.
Reason: Ok. I gotta get back to this
This article contains content that may bring users with past trauma, to something that might cause a physical and/or mental reaction. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: Loud, also Luna has a tragic life
This mod is currently unreleased material, meaning no download links exist, but is set to have one in the future. As of now, this page covers content that has yet to be released and some citations placed for verification of assets.
Note: Despite Buddies, none of these covers are playable
Now look who I am! Just a floating skull with an invisible body. I’ve lost everything! - Tabi
The development or possible updates of this mod have been canceled, so new content is not expected. The reasons for this vary, such as controversies, lack or loss of interest/passion, or simply a lack of ideas.
Reason: Luna has gotten tired of making covers
CHARACTERS/Luna Olivares' Covers.xml NOT FOUND. - Doki Doki Takeover
This article uses one or more placeholders. Placeholders are commonly used for when a mod or asset hasn't been released publicly. Placeholders should be replaced with official assets as soon as possible.
I have been stuck in Luna Olivares' Covers for god knows how long, much longer than you can imagine, that one's for sure. - Austin
This article currently has 88,113 bytes, and could take a long time to load. Please proceed with caution and wait for it to load patiently.

Luna's Profile Picture
Luna Olivares is a cover maker just like Blantados, Neonight, and Sharv
- See also: Covers and BETADCIU (Disambiguation)
V1 V2 |
Loud |
The ending is very loud |
Gets Loud durring the duo part |
RundownSD (Original) |
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