Funkipedia Mods Wiki
Notices: Lost Mod, Upcoming Content/Work In Progress, Unfinished Page, Proofread/Low Quality Article.


Lost Mod

WHO ARE YOU??? - Tricky the Clown

This mod is currently lost media, as the download is no longer available. We will still record what is left of what we can access, but as of the time being, you can no longer get and download this mod.

Note: The GameBanana page has been privated. Due to that being the only link (for now), this mod is now considered lost.


Upcoming Content

Hey there, are you ready? I've been waiting a while for this... - Bob

This mod is currently a demo and/or has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information.

Upcoming: The mod is only a demo.


Unfinished Page

It really don't matter, your chances of making it are shorter than your height. - Kia

This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!

Reason: static variants for most animations are needed.


Needs Proofreading

I do not know who Speedrunner Mario (Any%) is. Tell me. - Joe Mama Squidward

This page contains improper grammar, bad formatting, unverifiable information, or poorly written information that makes it low quality or awkward to read. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by proofreading and/or citing/rewriting information on this page so that it complies with the Style Manual.

Issues detected: Information about the character may not be correct.

For Mario's appearances in other mods, see Mario (disambiguation)

You fool, I was building up speed for 12 hours before the fight even began!
― Speedrunner Mario, Speedrunner Mario VS Melee Fox

Speedrunner Mario, also known as Mario, is a character that appears in the Something About series created by TerminalMontage, and is the opponent of Friday Night Funkin': Any%.


Speedrunner Mario appears as a heavily stylized drawing of Mario, with this certain style dubbed by TerminalMontage as "The Something Style". He wears blue overalls with yellow buttons over a red shirt, as well as a red cap with an M on the front. Unlike his original counterpart, Speedrunner Mario normally has two dotted eyes and only four bumps in his mustache instead of six. His feet are drawn as simple lines that stick off of his legs.


Want to learn more about Speedrunner Mario?

Within the "Something About" series, Mario is constantly seen speeding throughout his games in order to reach Bowser as fast as possible. He is seen beating Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, and all the games within Super Mario All-Stars in record time.


Speedrunner Mario unleashing his inner TAS Demon.

During a fight against Melee Fox, Mario unleashes his inner TAS Demon, by then the concept of speedrunning has completely corrupted Mario, as from then on he is seen moving at incredible speeds across time and space across multiple universes. The combined power of Sonic in his Super Chili Dogs form, Kirbo, and Luigi helped exorcise out of Mario, returning him to normal. He is last seen living his life as normal with Luigi in the Mushroom Kingdom.


  • All of Mario's animations transition back into his idle stance, a detail many Friday Night Funkin' mods do not have.
  • Mario's voice clips originate from Super Mario 64.
    • Mario's animations also change depending on his voice clip played within the song, not on what notes are played on his chart.
  • There is an unused mechanic regarding Mario attacking Boyfriend. An animation would play of him doing a repeated amount of Backwards Long Jumps, allowing him to gain massive negative speed and sling himself towards Boyfriend. A spacebar prompt would appear and require the player a certain amount of time to press the spacebar in order to dodge the attack. If the player fails this, Boyfriend loses a significant amount of health.
    • Due to likely being unfinished, the image for the spacebar prompt is empty.
  • Boyfriend's blue balls don't pulsate when his looping death animation plays.
  • Both songs' instrumentals consist of instruments used within songs played in Super Mario 64, with Sprint using instruments from Slider and the unnamed song using instruments from Ultimate Koopa.


BPM: 170
Scroll Speed: 3
Song Length: 1:35
0:01 Mario: Here we go!
Unnamed Speedrunner Mario Song (Teaser)
BPM: ???
Scroll Speed: ???
Song Length: 0:17



GameBanana (Privated)Gamebanana
