Main | Characters | DisneyFunk (3.0 Update) |
This article contains potentially sensitive content that may be discomforting or upsetting to certain users. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: Labrat's appearance, Suicide Mouse, The Toons, and Costume all look disturbing, and could startle some viewers on their first playthrough. Suicide Mouse's titular creepypasta "suicidemouse.avi" can be unsettling to some, The Toons are from a fan-game called "Five Night's at Treasure Island" which involves characters hunting down a temporary replacement nightguard at "Treasure Island", and there is a new Pibby redesign for Mouse, and people may find Learning With Pibby somewhat disturbing due to The Darkness manifesting down the universe of cartoon shows and how it affects many beloved cartoon characters.
This article contains content that may bring users with past trauma, to something that might cause a physical and/or mental reaction. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: There's Suicide Mouse. The screen shakes during Labrat, Suicide (When Suicide Mouse laughs) and Insanity Psychosis. (When Suicide Mouse screams)
I NEED IT! - SpongeBob
This article contains copyrighted music, files, or other copyrighted assets that can claim copyright infringement.
Reason: Mickey Mouse is owned by Disney and Family Guy is owned by Star+
Thank you for understanding! - Boo
This page is protected to prevent any further changes. You can still view this page's source content, but it cannot be edited. Reasons can vary such as vandalism, leaks, or developer request. Inform a staff member if you wish to make any changes so that they can do it on your behalf.
Reason: The developers have requested for the page to be permanently locked.
I do not know who Vs. Mouse is. Tell me. - Joe Mama Squidward
This article requires cleanup as it likely contains bad grammar, bad formatting, bad file/image quality, lack of sources, or any other infringement found in the Style Manual. Help out the Funkipedia Mods Wiki by correcting it!
Issues detected: Some files are in low quality due to them being lost through time
I have been stuck in Vs. Mouse for god knows how long, much longer than you can imagine, that one's for sure. - Austin
This article currently has 33,583 bytes, and could take a long time to load. Please proceed with caution and wait for it to load patiently.
lI ll II II l ll I - Dave
This mod is in a language other than English or contains content that's written in a language other than English.
Reason: Doggy Mouse's song lyrics are in Spanish.
This is only just one of our divisions... - IRIS
One or more of this mod's versions/download links are either withheld, on hold, privatized, or trashed and are no longer available. However, other appearances are still easily accessible.
Note: The alpha and beta versions were unreleased, the test version of the mod was removed due to Markus's idle being traced.
(...keep calm Macy, Vs. Mouse's only like, 2 feet tall they can't hurt you.) - Macy
This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!
Reason: There are likely many files that have yet to be added. Due to the page being permanently locked, please add any missing files to the talk page.
This isn't the end, however. - Fuzz
This mod is currently a demo and/or has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information.
Upcoming: The mod is receiving its long-awaited 3.0 update as The Magical World of DisneyFunk. For information about the update, check the DisneyFunk page.
- Were you looking for a different page related to Mickey Mouse or a different Vs. Mouse?
Vs. Mouse is a mod created by the Novatos team, and its directed by Jara and formerly pancito. This mod is created by the Novatos Team (now known as Magic League Studios), The mod is currently being continued as The Magical World of DisneyFunk.
Girlfriend was searching for her Halloween hat with the help of Boyfriend. While they were doing that, a man was selling what seemed to be a Mickey Mouse cassette, so Girlfriend, curious, decided to buy and play it... After doing so, they are transported inside and, after looking around, they find Markus who challenges the blue-haired rapper to a rap battle. After losing, he gets mad and challenges him again. But...after he loses again, he snaps and turns into a twisted form, ready to kill them both!
Gameplay Mechanics
- Glove Notes: During Repentance and Labrat, these notes will appear. If missed, they will slowly drain Boyfriend's health.
- Syringe Notes: During Misery, these notes will appear, if hit, they will take away some of Boyfriend's health. If you press a note (Ghost tapping) while these notes appear, it counts as a miss for unknown reasons.
Trivia (General)
- Jara has revealed several highly private ideas and plans for the mod in its early life that were never shared with most members of the development team, such as:
- Around the final quarter of 2021, there were plans to include Alpha Mouse as a secondary opponent for Disk 1, similar to how, later in the first third of 2022, Marko was created as a secondary opponent for Disk 1. Art of Markus (known as Mouse at the time) and Alpha Mouse was actually created as promotional art foreshadowing his inclusion, but plans fell through and the idea was forgotten, but later brought back with the creation of Marko.
- An additional Disk 1 song titled "Horror House" was planned to be included in the mod's 2.0 but was not added due to time constraints.
- Several ideas planned for 2.0 were not added due to time constraints, such as the previously mentioned "Horror House," voice acted and animated cutscenes, Gascot and the song Mascot, and a legitimate way to access the songs The End and Scrap.
- The mod had received a lot of complaints in the test version (1.0) due to Markus' idle appearing to be traced or heavily referenced from promotional art of another mod, FNF: Disney Club. These accusations are what led to the remake of Markus' idle in the mod's 2.0 version.
- However, Mouse's left and right poses were still traced or heavily referenced from the same image in the 2.0 update.
- The Novatos Team original YouTube account was hacked by a user, so the team had to move to another channel, the User in question was the composer for the first version of Welcome and some of the other bad songs from the mod, which received negative comments for its low effort, which may explain why the user hacked the channel.
- Due to this, the original uploads of the old version of Welcome as well as an unfinished version of Crisis are lost.
- At the end of Misery, the syringes are supposed to spell out "Insanity"
- This was misspelled as "Insanitt", while possibly being made as the letter "T" could say its name.
- The unfinished chart of Misery in the Test/1.0 version that was trashed from Gamebanana was actually the chart of Welcome (Old).
- For some reason, the 2.0 background for Disk 3 is still in the files of the 3.0 Alpha build.
- The designs of Boyfriend & Girlfriend from Vs. Juko were going to be included, but they were removed when JukoDuko left the team and requested for them to not be used.
- The first idea for a Disk 4 was a FNaTI themed week, though it was scrapped very early on.
Welcome |
Animator(s): Mirth |
Transcript: TBA |
Repentance |
Animator(s): Mirth |
Transcript: TBA |
Plays after Revenge in the 3.0 Alpha |
Crisis |
Animator(s): Mirth |
Transcript: TBA |
Plays after Repentance in the 3.0 Alpha |
Interference |
Animator(s): Mirth |
Transcript: TBA |
Present only in the 3.0 Alpha source code. |
Post-Labrat |
Animator(s): Mirth |
Transcript: TBA |
Present only in the 3.0 Alpha source code. |
Misery |
Animator(s): Mirth |
Transcript: TBA |
Present only in the 3.0 Alpha source code. |
Misery (transition, scrapped) |
Animator(s): ??? |
Transcript: TBA |
This version has louder instruments because SkyMonster forgot to disable them when exporting the vocals. |
Goes unused in the old 3.0 Alpha build. Crashes in the 3.0 Alpha source code build. |
beta mouse' Minigame song |
![]() |
![]() |
AdamMcHummus (Original) |
Formerly known as Scrap. |
that nightmarionne guy (Original instrumental) |
Extra Files: |
Polygon64 (Alt vocals) |
![]() |
![]() |
Lyrics: *clash royale laugh* 0:47 Казахстан угрожает нам бомбардировкой (Kazakhstan threatens us with bombing) |
Extra Files: |
Scrapped due to issues between Ulka and Mayz. |
This song was scrapped due to controversies surrounding Ulka. |
Extra Files: WI Mickey section (Isolated) |
Cover of Triple Trouble from Vs. Sonic.Exe |
translates to "crazy rat" Song for a real life rat |
Gallery (General)
Download Links
- 3.0 Alpha Source Code
- 3.0 Alpha Build (Old)
- GameBanana
- Game Jolt
- GameBanana
[Beta, Trashed]
- Trashed 1.0 version from Gamebanana
- JukoDuko's Vs. Mouse folder
See Also
Official | |
Semi-Official | |
Fan-Made | Vs. Mouse+ • 3.0 Legacy • VS Mouse D Sides • Clubhaus • Clubhouse Hell • Destruction • Reborn • Rebrand Edition • Rewrite • Retold • Rebooted Disks |
Other |