Friday Night Funkipedia Mods Wiki

Warnings: 令人不安,劇透,悲傷,暗示。
Notices: 存根,大頁面,粉絲最愛。

File:Beta BF Dead.png

这真的不重要,你成功的机会比你的身高要小。 - Kia


原因: GIFs for both Boyfriend and Girlfriend, leaks for future updates.

File:Spookalgamate Danger.png

一个卑鄙的东西潜伏在这里 - Tricky the Clown


原因: Flippy comes from Happy Tree Friends, a show rated TV-MA for severe violence and gore, and frightening & intense scenes on IDMB, [1] despite being a children's cartoon and being mostly being rated TV-Y on YouTube. [2]. In this mod, Fliqpy kills and holds the head of Mime during Flippin Out as the forest background is engulfed in flames, and Fliqpy also killed Cuddles, Giggles, Russell, Lammy, Toothy and Sniffles in the background. Also, his Massacre/Flippin Out icons may be unsettling to some people. There is also an arm (or a hand, but either of the 2 words work) in Flippin Out (that could be Nutty or Cuddles) that will soon become a skeleton/skeletal hand in UnFlipped Out. In Flippin Out, somewhere near the end of the song, it will play the noises of the other characters screaming while getting killed by Fliqpy himself, with him laughing also (in an "evil" way). Also, Fliqpy will snap your neck in the Game Over screen. And he also has a gun on the title screen, which may mean that he could have shot somebody. Also, the Girlfriend's bruised/injured assets in Flippin Out is unsettling to some others.

File:Omori did not succumb.png

你不能只是随便的提到Fliqpy - HD Pico


原因: This mod has spoilers (kinda) to the original Happy Tree Friends cartoon.


我想我做过头了,对吧? - Garcello


Reason: 25k bytes.


hi! - Kirby


注意: This was the first Happy Treee Friends mod and it includes Fliqpy, and it is even the most popular HTF mod! Oh, and also it supposedly made HTF popular again!

Saddening Themes

被删除是痛苦的。喜欢,是一件很痛苦的事情。他很清楚我在说什么。 - eteled


原因: Flippy suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), an extremely serious condition, which can cause lifetime depression.


你这婊子都不会用你的大手擦屁股。 - Carol


原因: Happy Tree Friends is rated TV-MA for blood and gore. And also, Fliqpy's right pose in Flippin Out shows him flipping off Boyfriend. Also, Fliqpy swears A LOT (and yes, we mean A LOT) in Spanish in the old mod version's secret song called LoL.

Copyrighted Page

Darn brats trespassing with their damn noise cannons... - Zardy

This article contains copyrighted music, files, or other copyrighted assets.

Reason: Flippy and Fliqpy is owned by MondoMedia, and not to mention that the Happy Tree Friends intro theme can be heard in Happy Tree Land, and the screaming sound effects are from some Happy Tree Friends episodes.

VS Evil BF Icon
Upcoming Content

Hey there, are you ready? I've been waiting a while for this... - Bob

This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a Funkin' Forward direct (or something of that nature), a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information! This article likely has placeholder content. Please refrain from adding any false or unconfirmed information.

Reason: New Update was confirmed by the creator via a Twitter Reply.

― Fliqpy, Happy Tree Friends

Want to learn more about Fliqpy and Flippy?

Were you looking for j0nnytest's Fliqpy? Or Friday Night Fever's Flippy? Or VS Flaky's Fliqpy?

Flippy (or also known as Fliqpy, the evil version of Flippy), is the main character that appears in the Friday Night Funkin' Mod VS Flippy, made by miguel185. It is a full week with 5 songs.

Flippy originally appears in "Happy Tree Friends", an internet series created by MondoMedia (formerly Mondo Mini Shows), known for its cute characters suffering grotesque and horrible deaths, some that are caused by Flippy himself, in an evil/violent side.

Flippy is friendly and outgoing to others. However, when certain sounds or stressors happen, he has flashbacks from way back in the war (Gunshots, fires, planes, and anything related to war). The war items causes Flippy to become Fliqpy (his violent side and alt ego), killing all those that are around him in unimaginable ways, as he believes himself to be in live combat.


He appears to be a green bear with a military uniform and dog tags around his neck. Although, he doesn't seem to be wearing pants. As Fliqpy, he has yellow eyes that glow in Flippin Out, and he is holding Mime's head in his right hand. In UnFlipped Out, he turns back to Flippy, and also gets calm with dark circles under his eyes. It probably means that Flippy gets tired after having a long rap battle.


In Happy Tree Friends, he appears to be a veteran soldier. During the internet and the TV series of Happy Tree Friends, it is unknown if Flippy has retired from the Navy, or if they are simply in a time of peace. Although, Flippy can be the most cruel and dangerous character in Happy Tree Friends, but only when he has "flipped out". In his normal state/main ego, he is considered to be one of the most sociable, and also one of the kinder and nicer characters. This is proven in several episodes, where he is seen doing social activities with some of the other HTF characters, such as going to the movies, and also playing hide and seek. In most of the episodes where he appears to have screen time, he is shown as a friendly individual before he goes insane, or as many people say, flips out. Additionally, when he flips out, or goes insane at that point, he doesn't remember the bloody rampage that follows.


  • Somehow, in Flippin Out, his dog tags got bigger, as you can see and notice in Flippin Out.
  • In Massacre, a part of the Through The Fire And Flames song can be heard, and in the beginning of the Massacre song, you can hear the icon whimper of Flippy, as he's about to flip out.
  • Fliqpy's violence isn't out of inherent malice. It just could mean that he believes he's still in the war, and thinks everyone is his enemy (except for The Mole, Handy, and Cub), and everything that he sees or hears anything related to war.
  • Fliqpy's defeat (Flippy Roll, Happy Tree Land, and Massacre in the old version) icon is used in UnFlipped Out for both neutral and defeat expressions, just like how Garcello's "ghostly" icons in Release, the losing icon of Release was used in Fading.
    • Fliqpy also lacks a defeat icon in Flippin Out, but in the old version though.
      • Despite this fact, a defeat icon for Flippin Out can still be found in the files, as seen in the character infobox of this wiki page.
        • It is now being used as the icon for Flippin Out in the new update/latest version of the Fliqpy mod.
  • The second song, Happy Tree Land, is based on the traditional opening theme of Happy Tree Friends.
    • Happy Tree Land is also similar and is to resemble the series Happy Tree Friends, but instead with "Friends", it's replaced with "Land", and made it a song in the mod.
  • There was a secret song called "LoL", which you could beat it by doing nothing at all because Boyfriend didn't sing.
    • It also replaces the menu music after being played. Once the music ends, the game crashes, similar to Personal Beep You from the Brightside mod.
      • The audio of LoL comes from a video by Huevito Rey, which is a long Spanish insult, that may be offensive to some, or maybe all people.
        • It could be confirmed that LoL is removed from the mod in the new version.
          • Fliqpy's LoL song also shares the same BPM as Jebus's Wreath song.
  • When Boyfriend resets, it shows a game over screen of him getting his neck snapped when he loses/resets, similar to an Among Us Snap Neck animation where an Impostor snaps/would snap a Crewmate's neck (High amount of chance(s) that it can happen in a game/round of Among Us though).
  • Flippy Roll is the 3rd song that has "Roll" at the end of the character's name, similar to Carol-Roll, Momi-Roll, and Whit-Roll, all by bbpanzu.
  • Fliqpy's poses in Flippy Roll and Happy Tree Land are similar to that of HEU Tankman and Ron.
  • Fliqpy is the third character to enter an angry phase, then leave it afterwards. The first was Kapi, and the second was The Smiler.
  • Flippy has 4 total sprite sheets. (Fliqpy has 3, and Flippy has 1).
  • In Flippin Out, Fliqpy will scream at certain parts of the song. He has a special animation for this scream.
  • The sound effect of the scream is here.
    • During the final pause within the same song, various Happy Tree Friends characters can be heard screaming in fear and agony, with Fliqpy himself laughing in an evil way.
  • In Flippin Out, Fliqpy bruised/injured Girlfriend right in the cheek.
    • However, during the Flippin Out dialogue, Fliqpy did tell Boyfriend that Fliqpy bruised/injured Girlfriend, but only to see if it will make Boyfriend more "braver" at that point.
  • In the background of the mod, you can see some recurring characters of the Happy Tree Friends series. From left to right, there are: Giggles, Russell, Lammy, The Cursed Idol (on the boombox), Cuddles, Sniffles, and Toothy.
    • The head that Fliqpy holds in Flippin Out is Mime.
  • The Cursed Idol, which is known to cause abrupt deaths around it, disappears from the boombox in UnFlipped Out on the old version.
  • The Fliqpy and Flippy sprite sheets are flipped to face the left, instead of the usual right, similar to [[1]] in the main FNF game, Tristan in the VS. Dave & Bambi full week mod, and Bob (except for the Bob's Trouble and Onslaught sprite sheets) in the Bob's Onslaught full week mod.
  • This is the fourth mod where the Boyfriend gets flipped off by Fliqpy (during Flippin Out though), with the first being Tom, the second being Selever, the third being Tricky's Hellclown phase/form, the fifth being Mag Agent: Torture and the sixith being Fleetway Super Sonic.
  • This is also another mod where there is a special animation for a custom sound that is played, similar to Garcello and Tricky.
  • The face that Mime makes/pulls in Flippin Out resembles his death face in the series of Happy Tree Friends, within an episode called "Out of Sight, Out of Mime", despite the fact that his death was not caused by Fliqpy in the episode.
    • Not to mention the fact that his death is pretty much a reference from an episode called "Keepin It Reel", where Fliqpy uses his seat, and slams it down, causing his head and his body parts to be dismembered.
      • However, he (Fliqpy) did not even pick his (Mime) head up in the episode.
  • The fact that Fliqpy is holding Mime's head in Flippin Out is a reference to another fact that Mime being one of Fliqpy's most killed victims in the series of Happy Tree Friends.
  • Originally, UnFlipped Out did not have any dialogue before the song.
    • However, in the old/new versions of the VS Fliqpy/Flippy mod, UnFlipped Out has dialogue before the song.
  • At the end of the new Flippin Out dialogue, Fliqpy called Boyfriend a "worm", similar to the Roses dialogue in Week 6, Senpai called Boyfriend an ugly worm in the main game.
  • Speaking of dialogues, in the old dialogue of Flippin Out, Boyfriend doesn't get a turn to say something after Fliqpy says "what can you do...", unlike the new dialogue of Flippin Out, where Boyfriend just says three dots like "..." after Fliqpy says "What can you do now?".
  • Somehow, if you reset in UnFlipped Out, Fliqpy would still be seen in the Game Over screen, despite the fact that Flippy has already calmed down from being flipped out, or some people would say, Fliqpy.
  • Throughout UnFlipped Out, there will be similar things to the other mod(s) (and this mod of course).
  • The charting in Flippy's side is similar to that of the Expurgation long notes, except the fact that it is kind of fast, and also modified.
    • Another charting in Boyfriend's side has the second song (Happy Tree Land)'s charting, but kind of slowed down, and the notes are also modified.
  • In UnFlipped Out, if you hold down the down note long enough, Boyfriend's body will become invisible and the only visible part would be his face.

Cameos in other mods[]

Note: All of these cameos are not canon to the Vs Fliqpy's story.


Robot 404 Death Icon

👇🐒🌶么‍🤜😫🤛声干🈸么🐎 - 孙笑川


原因: Massacre和Flippin Out的歌曲有點響亮。Fliqpy還會在Flippin Out期間隨機大聲尖叫。

File:Spookalgamate Danger.png

马上离开,否则后果自负! - Tabi


原因: Massacre和Flippin Out的歌曲有點響亮。Fliqpy還會在Flippin Out期間隨機大聲尖叫。

Flippy Roll
拍子数: 185
滚动速度: 2.2
Happy Tree Land
拍子数: 200
滚动速度: 2.6
拍子数: 215
滚动速度: 3.1
Flippin Out
拍子数: 250
滚动速度: 5.3
UnFlipped Out
拍子数: 120
滚动速度: 2


👇🐒🌶么‍🤜😫🤛声干🈸么🐎 - 孙笑川


原因: “3、2、1,Go!”在Massacre和Flippin Out中非常失真,這可能會令人不安。

3, 2, 1, Go! (Massacre and Flippin Out)
Game Over
Scream 1
Scream 2


Flippy Roll Dialogue[]

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: Hey kid. What are you looking for?

BFIcon Boyfriend: beep

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: Do you want me to join you for a rap battle?

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: Well, I'm not in the mood for this kind of thing, but go ahead.

BFIcon Boyfriend: beep

Happy Tree Land Dialogue[]

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: Ugh, shit, how are you supposed to be so good at this?

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: I swear that when you lose, you will be the first to die along with those at the bottom.

BFIcon Boyfriend: ... beeeep

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: SHUT UP!!

Massacre Dialogue[]

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: UAGH! enough with this shit!

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: I'm sick of you I'll make you die of all kinds of things.

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: Burned, Electrocuted, Drowned, IN ALL POSSIBLE WAYS!!

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: And you better prepare yourself.

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: Because this time...

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: I won't have mercy on you.

BFIcon Boyfriend: ...

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: Yeah…

Flippin Out Dialogue[]

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: Enough.

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: Seeing you dead is the only way to be satisfied.

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: The rest don't even know how to react when I'm about to kill them.

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: Pathetic...

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: What can you do now?

BFIcon Boyfriend: ...

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: Hahaha!!

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: I love watching you 2 suffer.

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: I bruised your girlfriend, if that makes you more "brave".

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: You can't achieve anything dwarf.

Flippyicon3 Fliqpy: Worm.

UnFlipped Out Dialogue[]

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Agh, what happened?

BFIcon Boyfriend: Bap boop?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Uh?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Uh, who are you?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: UH!!

Flippyicon4 Flippy: What happened here??

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Oh dammit...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: I've gone mad.

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Again...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: ...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Uh?...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Who are you?...

BFIcon Boyfriend: Bop bep

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Boyfriend?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Oh, sorry if I did something ugly to you.

Flippyicon4 Flippy: ...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Hey. I see you have a microphone. You want to... sing something? It helps me stay calm.

BFIcon Boyfriend: Bap?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Yep

BFIcon Boyfriend: Boop beep!

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Here we go!

Flippy Roll Dialogue (Old)[]

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: Ho-hi kid ...

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: What are you looking for?

BFIcon Boyfriend: Beep skdoo boop bap!

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: What? do you want to have a rap battle?

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: I'm not in the mood for these things, but go ahead ...

BFIcon Boyfriend: Beep

Happy Tree Land Dialogue (Old)[]

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: ugh!Shit, how can you be good at this? ?

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: I swear when you lose, you'll end up like the idiots from behind!

BFIcon Boyfriend: ... beeeep

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: shut up!!

Massacre Dialogue (Old)[]

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: UGHHH,Enough with this shit!!!

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: I'm sick of you!!!

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: I'll make you die anyway!!!

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: Burned, Electrocuted, Drowned, anyway!!!

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: And it would be better to prepare you...

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: Because this time I won't have mercy on you!

BFIcon Boyfriend: ...

Flippyicon1 Fliqpy: yeah...

Flippin Out Dialogue (Old)[]

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: enough...

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: Seeing you dead is the only way to satisfy yourself enough

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: the others don't even know how to react when I'm about to kill them

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: pathetic...

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: what can you do...

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: I would enjoy seeing you both suffer...

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: I made a bruise on your girlfriend, see if that makes you braver...

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: you can not achieve anything dwarf...

Flippyicon2 Fliqpy: loser...

UnFlipped Out Dialogue (Old)[]

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Ugh... what happened?

BFIcon Boyfriend: Boop boop beep?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Uh?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Who are you?...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: UH!!

Flippyicon4 Flippy: What happened here??

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Agh not again...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: I have gone crazy again...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: ...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Uh?...

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Who are you?...

BFIcon Boyfriend: Bop bep

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Boyfriend?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: wow sorry if I did something ugly

Flippyicon4 Flippy: Hey.

Flippyicon4 Flippy: What do you think of another song?

BFIcon Boyfriend: Beep bap bop?

Flippyicon4 Flippy: sure

Flippyicon4 Flippy: lets go!


Download Links[]

GameBanana Gamebanana
MediaFire (ZIP) Mediafire
MediaFire (New) Mediafire
MediaFire (Old) Mediafire
GitHub (Source Code) GitHub

See Also (Highly Suggested)[]

Flippy in HTF wiki.
Fliqpy in HTF wiki.

替換 AnthroDoggoNormalIcon Anthro Doggo - CloserTogetherIcon BF And GF - GF Icon Vs. Girlfriend - Monster BF NewIcon Monster BF - Monster Pico - Mad Senpai - MonsterspiritIcon Monster and Humanized!Spirit - Pirate Monster - File:PulpnewIcon.png Pulp - Romantic Boyfriend - The Spookalgamate - TallBFCrazyIcon Tall Boyfriend (BossSwagMaster) - Inside-Out Boyfriend - GF Icon Christmas Girlfriend - GF Icon GF Legs - Doge/Shiba Inu Girlfriend - Happy Pico - BFIcon BF over GF - Rapper GF Neutral Rapper GF - File:ChromaticalCassetteGirlIcon.png Cassette Girl - File:CrazyGFIcon.png Crazy Girlfriend - Angrier Senpai - NekoNormNeutral Lia - MiaIcon Mia - KiaIcon Kia - StalkerIcon Stalker Girl - CarlosIcon Carlos - BFIcon Reanimated Boyfriend (ZERO - FreshWoomy) - BF X Pico - File:MermaidGFIcon.png Mermaid Girlfriend - GF Icon Playable Minus GF - File:2vplusIcon.png 2VPLUS Senpai - HDSenpaiIcon Senpai / Spirit HD HDSpiritIcon - Lemon Angel - Smol Monster - Photoshopped BF - MonsterNeekoIcon Monster Neeko - Tankiconodl Playable Tankman - File:PixelTankmanIcon.png Pixel Tankman - Pixel Pico - ImpostorBFIcon Impostor Boyfriend - Toadico - Festive BF - File:HappyBFIcon.png Happy Boyfriend
親屬 BF Dad Icon Boyfriend's Dad - BF Mom Icon Boyfriend's Mom - Ritzicon Ritz - Miku Icon (New) Hatsune Miku (bbpanzu) - Big BrotherIcon Big Brother - Big sis normal Big Sister - OlderBroIcon Older Bro - BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother - Bro Icon Beach Brother - Cassandra Neutral Cassandra - File:SisterSearestIcon.png Sister Searest - LilaIcon Lila - Corrupted Lemon Neutral Corrupted Lemon - Lemon Sister Neutral Lemon Sister
原創人物 WhittyIcon Whitty (New smol whitty neutral icon Fun Sized) - UpdikeIcon Updike - File:NeutralIconWhite.png Julian - File:Neutral4FuckIcon.png Nitty - File:HexNewIcon.png Hex (Fun sized hex normal icon Fun Sized - GF) - DetectedNormalIcon IRIS - Carol Icon Neww Carol - File:AnnieIcon.png Annie - Dailia Icon Dalia - King (King Neutral lagoAnims - KingIcon tictacto) - Ex Icon New Ayana - TabiIcon Tabi - Sky Neutral Sky - UnusedSundayNormalIconMaybe Sunday - Sarvente icon Sarvente (RESarventeIcon Remaster - Le smol sarv icon Young) - Ruv Icon Ruv (RemasteredRuvrIcon Remaster - Neutral icon Fun Sized) - Selever Neutral Selever (RemasterSelIcon Remaster) - Garcello Neutral Garcello (Minus)- Saltyicon Salty - BlueberryIcon Blueberry - Jester Redesign Neutral Jester - BobIcon Bob - RonIcon Ron (File:3DRonIcon.png 3D) - Little Man Icon Little Man - VSRetro Icon Retro - File:Sakuromanewicon.png Sakuroma - XeIcon Xe - Ruria Normal Update Ruria - DetraIcon Detra - JTC Icon JTC - Snarts - Randy Icon Randy - Fuego - Mike - IrishIconlol Macy - Zuki Kazuki - GumiIcon Gumi - Brightside Icon Brightside - Parasite Neutral Parasite - OmegaIcon Omega - BowieIcon Bowie - PlateIcon Plate - SketchyIcon Sketchy (SketchyRemasterIcon Redrawn) - Pompom icon normal Pompom - Mackie Neutral Mackie - RidZakIcon RidZak - CybbrIcon Cybbr - Shroom - StaticIcon Static - Myra Neutral Myra - Singe-Icon-Danger Singe - Sear-Icon-Danger Sear - VetarIconWrath Vetar - Kosten - Wren - AgotiIcon A.G.O.T.I. - File:Aldryx Icon.png Aldryx - File:Solazar Icon.png Solazar - File:NikusaIcon.png Nikusa - Lune - Xyn - CorruptIconNormalCorrupt - Fire IconNormal Fire - Kaleigh IconNormal Kaleigh - Feri IconNormal Feri - Flexy icon Flexy - The Merchant - DemetriosIcon Demetrios - AndersIcon Anders - Alex Bird - Red neutral Red - KapiNewIcon Kapi - KauanIcon Kauan - Lexi - Abigali neutral Abigail - File:EmmiIcon.png Emmi - Fluffy the Hellcat - Subject 93 - SnokeIcon Noke - File:CJNewIcon.png CJ - File:RubyNewIcon.png Ruby - Bob Neutral Bob - Bosip Neutral Bosip - LuxusIcon Luxus - FrogIcon Frog Man - Anchor Neutral Anchor - Roro Neutral Roro - Alya Neutral Alya - Suvarna Neutral Suvarna - SporkIcon Grunko - BerzerkNewIcon Berzerk - Displo Neutral Displo - Kou Neutral Kou - File:GSUIcon.png GSU - Clownso Neutral Clownso - File:ZipperIcon.png Zipper - Ignis and May - Starecrown2Icon Starecrown - Dilune - GhostTwinsIcon Ghost Twins - KatelynIcon Katelyn - Cye icon neutral Cye - YukichiIcon Yukichi - French Fry Guy - Reaper - MeltyIcon Melty - Kiya - Xigmund Neutral Xigmund - TreeNewIcon Tree - File:DuckIcon.png Duck - AlfieWin Alfie - File:WatermelonIcon.png Watermelon the Cat - KastimaginaIcon Kastimagina - ASCIIIcon ASCII - DJ Hallyboo - Flatline - Onek - CyrixIcon Cyrix - SpringheelIcon Dr. Jack Springheel - Cyber Alula - FilipIcon Filip - linkRosie Rosie - Mel icon Mel - Bana icon Bana - Peri icon Peri - Icon Tac - Lucian icon Lucian - Abby icon Abby - NickIcon Nick - Ball Icon Animated Ball - Yoma - Govesneutralicon Goves - Hellneutralicon Hell - File:BeegieIcon.png Beegie - UsagiIcon Usagi - IconBooQueen Boo Queen - Beepie Neutral Icon Beepie - File:LexiIconNeutral.png Lexi - Olivia - Qt Icon QT - Robot 404 Icon KB - MomiIcon Momi - LokiIcon Loki - AshtorethIcon Ashtoreth - ShowcasterIcon Showcaster - FizzIcon Fizz - File:IconCupid.png Cupid - Fueg0Icon Fueg0 - Poly - ValerieIcon Valerie - Violet Icon Violet - File:CloudIcon.png Cloud - Door - AdamIcon Adam - ChosbyIcon Cosby - SpongNewIcon Spong - Icons Shuri Shuri - Icon Ken Ken - Javier icon Javier - Creamicon Cream - RichardIcon Richard Gyro - JayIcon Jay - DoxxieNeutralDOXXI3 - TroyrIcon Troyr - GhostIcon Ghost - NovanomikonNormalIcon Novanomikon - FunkIcon Funk - BananaUserIcon GameBanana User - FridgeIcon Fridge - Stickman - PrinterIcon Printer - GrassBlockIcon Grass Block - Toxic HaterIcon Toxic Hater - TomNormalIcon Tom Stuart Oliver - MikeIcon Mike de la Quenelle Connor III - RoseNormalIcon Rose Angel Oliver - File:SmokyIcon.png Smoky - File:KaiNeutralIcon.png Kai - File:UmballIcon.png Umball - File:ArwinIcon.png Arwin - File:GoldenLandMarioIcon.png GB - File:HellbreakerIcon.png HELLBREAKER - File:TheoParkerIcon.png Theo Parker - File:ShortyCollinsIcon.png Shorty Collins - File:RaquelVasquezIcon.png Raquel Vasquez - File:MinjiKimIcon.png Minji Kim
Newgrounds人物 TrickyIcon Tricky (OGMaskedTrickyClassic Tricky) - Tricky Phase 0 - Tricky Phase 5 - ConsternationHankIcon Hank J. Wimbleton - SanfordIcon Sanford - DeimosNeutralIcon Deimos (DeimosAggregationIcon Aggregation - MashProTato) - Jebus2IconJebus (Latexify - SMc5) - AuditorIcon The Auditor - MagtortureMag Agent: Torture - RompIcon Romp - ScrapefaceIcon Scrapeface - File:Hotdogfirsticon1.png Hotdog Vendor - Director Phobos - Ena Icon ENA (Senpai) - Moonyicon Moony - Shepicon Shepherd (Supercario) - Auctioneer - Brick Frog - Darnell - CassandraIcon2 Cassandra - Nene - FFPiconjo Neutral Piconjo - TordIcon Tord (TordIconRemaster Legacy Edition - File:TordOnlineVSIcon.png Online Vs.) - Tom Neutral Tom (File:OnlineVSTomIcon.png Online VS.) - EddIcon Edd (EddNormalIcon Spider_Thiago - File:EddOnlineVSIcon.png Online Vs.) - Matticon Matt (MattEdd Neutral Full Week) - HenryNewIcon Henry Stickmin - Phil icon Phil Eggtree - Venus And Eve Neutral Venus and Eve - SigmaIcon Sigma - SaladFingersIcon Salad Fingers - Steve - Fancy Pants - File:GeofunkyIcon.pngGeo - File:AmifunkyIcon.pngAmi Ami (lisaimai)) - Stan
遊戲人物 Zardyicon Zardy - CablecrowIcon Cablecrow - MonikaRealIcon Monika (HDMonika Icon HD) - SayoriDDTIcon Sayori (Sayori Icon Updated NEONVORE) - NatsukiDDTIcon Natsuki - YuriDDTIcon Yuri - Rayman - Mario - Peach - YIconYoshi - HypnoIcon Hypno - MissingnoIcon MissingNo. - OVA Sonic - MCSonic - MajinSonicNeutralMajin Sonic (MajinSonicBossRushIcon Boss Rush) - TailsDollIconTails Doll - Noob Revamp Roblox Noob - CheekyNewIcon Cheeky - ViolastroIcon Violastro - ViolastroBotIcon ViolastroBot - Sakuya Izayoi - AthenaIcon Athena Asamiya - AthenaNormalIcon Athena - FreddyALTIconVS. FNAF 1 - Springtrap NeutralSpringtrap - DoomIcon William Afton - Michael Afton - Funtime Foxy - Lolbit - Mangle - File:CupheadIcon1.png Cuphead - Bendy icon Bendy (File:BendyIconIC.png Indie Cross) - File:BendyNewIcon.png Ink Bendy - File:SammyIconIC.png Sammy Lawrence - Baldi (File:BaldiIcon.png Baldi -BaldiFunkinIcon Baldi (Basics In Funkin')) - Mono - BEAR - Frisk-the-child Frisk - Chara (CharaIcon SnowTheFox - Chara Neutral Hexar) - Sans (LiterallyNoOneSansIcon LiterallyNoOne - SansIcon TheLunar27- Sans icon1 Susususus - SansCrossIcon Indie Cross) - Papyrus - Dust Sans - MettatonIcon Mettaton - KiryuIcon Kiryu Kazuma - OmoriIcon OMORI - Aubrey Icon AUBREY - SpaceBFIcon SPACE BOYFRIEND - MiiMattNewIcon Matt - LizIcon Liz - LaneIcon Lane - Neon Icon Neon - Dark Matter -SectoniaNeutralQueen Sectonia - Vibri - 1010 - Default Boy - W.D. Gaster - Captain Viridian - Hat Kid (HatKidIcon Lads In Hats - HatKidKokoroIcon Kokoro Hatsaru) - Fred icon frogsong Fred The Frog - Watergirl Icon Watergirl - Fireboy Icon Fireboy - Davoth - Doom Slayer (Manlet) - Mae Neutral Mae - Angus Icon Angus - MaidIcon Maid in the Mist - Peashooter -Sunflower - Game N Watch Icon Mr. Game & Watch - Banjo Icon Banjo - BadPigIcon Ross - Bubbles - KK Neutral K.K. Slider -AnkhaIcon Ankha - Monokuma Icon Monokuma - Reporter - Brainwashed Callie - Hatty Hattington - BradNeutral Brad Armstrong - Hart Neutral Hart - MC. Ballyhoo - DespaSpiderIcon Despacito Spider - Mayday - KalisaIcon Kalisa - Chess Choco Cookie - Tiger Lily Cookie - Fire Spirit Cookie - File:Isaac Neutral.png Isaac - CrewmateIcon Crewmate (PurpleIcon Purple - HamterIcon Tomongus - Mat - Sophie - Zachie - File:BananaIcon.png Banana ) - Impostor (ImpostorNewIcon Red - GreenImpostorIcon Green - BlackImpostorNormal Black - TanIcon Tan) - Whisper - Komasan and Komajiro - John Bomb - Nadeko Sengoku - DJ Sray - Ralsei - OliviaIcon Olivia - DoGIcon The Devourer of Gods - Major Burrows - ScaryLarryIcon Scary Larry - HumanIcon Human - RagdollIcon Ragdoll - GmanIcon G-Man - IB icon Interactive Buddy - DespaSpiderIcon Despacito Spider - File:Yummer Icons Neutral.png Yummers - File:The Overlord Icons Neutral.png The Overlord - File:Huggy-Netrual.png Huggy Wuggy - File:CrashIcon.png Crash Bandicoot - File:PeashooterBadBashNormalIcon.png Peashooter - File:PeashooterBadBashNormal.png Gattling Pea - File:FNATIGroupIcon.png The Toons - File:BetaLuigiIcon.png Beta Luigi - File:HuTaoIcon.png Hu Tao - File:XingqiuIcon.png Xingqiu
動畫人物 XChara X!Chara - Inkicon Ink!Sans - XGasterNormal X!Gaster - Neutral Icon Betty Betty Noire - Lewis Pepper - DIO - Caleb-Icon Caleb Lightpaw - Pelito - Peludo - Mami Icon 1 Normal Mami - Ryuko - SpinelIcon Spinel - PeridotIcon Peridot - LordHelpMe Lapis Lazuli - JasperIcon Jasper - HildaIcons Hilda - Gelatin - Flippyicon1 Flippy (Otherflippynormalicon j0nnytest) - DaisyNormal Daisy - Eric Cartman - Loona - Jotaro and Kakyoin - PinkieIcon Pinkie Pie (File:PinkieIconElementsofInsanity.png Elements of Insanity - File:PinkieSoloIcon.png Dusk Till Dawn) - File:SheddershyIcon.png Flutterguine - StarlightIcon Starlight Glimmer - File:GarfieldIcon.png Garfield - Zoe Trent - Mr. DoucheBag - OswaldIcon Oswald (Sunday Night Suicide) - ShaggyIcon Shaggy - JFK - Rolf - File:GhostAmyIcon.png Possessed Amy - Snap - SpongebobIcon Spongebob SquarePants(File:Spongebob icon.png Bikini Bottom) (File:TrickyspongebobIcon.png Squidward Tricky) - PatrickIcon Patrick Star (PatrickIcon (Fruitsy) Bikini Bottom) - SquidwardIcon Squidward Tentacles - Benson Dunwoody - NewJennyIcon Jenny Wakeman - Homer Simpson - TariNormal Tari - BelleNormal Belle - Marvin the Martian - FireyIcon Firey - Four - Biggie Cheese - Phineas & FerbIcon Phineas & Ferb - SashaIcon Sasha Waybright - AnneIcon Anne Boonchuy (CartoonMarcyLove)- MarcyIcon Marcy Wu - LuzIcon Luz Noceda - Eda & King - RobotnikIcon Dr. Robotnik - SuctionCupManIcon Suction Cup Man - AoodIconOod - Woody WoodpeckerIcon Woody Woodpecker - Eteledneutral1 eteleD (EteledBossRushIconBoss Rush) - AustinNormalIcon Austin - File:RacistMarioIcon.png Racist Mario - SpeedrunnerMarioIcon Speedrunner Mario - File:RedMistSquidward Icons Neutral.png Red Mist Squidward - File:Wijulian.png Julian - File:Peppa PigIcon.png Peppa Pig
Rebecca Hunger Neutral Rebecca - 8-BITRYAN NEUTRAL ICON 8-BitRyan (RyanIcon Boyfriend) - Kubz Scouts Icon Kubz Scouts - Dawktrap - Shyrell Neutral Shyrell - File:NewStickyNeutral.png StickyBM - Nostalgia Critic - Ninjamuffin - Vase Neutral Vase - NonsenseIcon Nonsense - XOXO - AflacIcon Aflac - BluIcon Blu - MiniIcon Mini - JGhostIcon JGhost - File:CerberusIcon.png Cerberus - Verbalase - RetroSpecterIcon RetroSpecter - File:AceNewIcon.png Ace (FSAce Icon Fun-Sized) - CloudyNDXL NDXL - AnthemIcon Anthem - File:CerberaNewIcon.png Cerbera - AnthemIcon Anthem - Wilbur Soot - Kimiri - Skeppy and BadBoyHalo - Fernando Bro Games - CesarFever Icon Cesar Fever - BlantadosIcon Blantad - File:NeonightIcon.png Neonight - File:SharvIcon.png Sharv - File:LylaceIcon.png Lylace - File:SwirlIcon.png Swirl - CheeseIcon Cheese - CamelliaIcon Camellia - Ethan - Faradey - Sly - Nathaniel Bandy - Piccohoe - Dani - CodistIcon Codist - Jerry-The-SMG4-FanIcon Jerry-The-SMG4-Fan - SonaDrawzStuffYT - AlizaBunnIcon AlizaBunn - MergIcon Merg - NihhiuAliveIcon Nihhiu - Scott Wozniak - BBPanzu - Arm4GeDonIcon Arm4GeDon - TaeyaiIcon Taeyai - CvalNormalIconCval - KadeDevNormalIcon KadeDev - File:CaddicarusIcon.png Caddicarus - File:MaskedChrisIcon.png TheMaskedChris
網絡人物 Rebecca Hunger Neutral Rebecca - 8-BITRYAN NEUTRAL ICON 8-BitRyan (RyanIcon Boyfriend) - Kubz Scouts Icon Kubz Scouts - Dawktrap - Shyrell Neutral Shyrell - File:NewStickyNeutral.png StickyBM - Nostalgia Critic - Ninjamuffin - Vase Neutral Vase - NonsenseIcon Nonsense - XOXO - AflacIcon Aflac - BluIcon Blu - MiniIcon Mini - JGhostIcon JGhost - File:CerberusIcon.png Cerberus - Verbalase - RetroSpecterIcon RetroSpecter - File:AceNewIcon.png Ace (FSAce Icon Fun-Sized) - CloudyNDXL NDXL - AnthemIcon Anthem - File:CerberaNewIcon.png Cerbera - AnthemIcon Anthem - Wilbur Soot - Kimiri - Skeppy and BadBoyHalo - Fernando Bro Games - CesarFever Icon Cesar Fever - BlantadosIcon Blantad - File:NeonightIcon.png Neonight - File:SharvIcon.png Sharv - File:LylaceIcon.png Lylace - File:SwirlIcon.png Swirl - CheeseIcon Cheese - CamelliaIcon Camellia - Ethan - Faradey - Sly - Nathaniel Bandy - Piccohoe - Dani - CodistIcon Codist - Jerry-The-SMG4-FanIcon Jerry-The-SMG4-Fan - SonaDrawzStuffYT - AlizaBunnIcon AlizaBunn - MergIcon Merg - NihhiuAliveIcon Nihhiu - Scott Wozniak - BBPanzu - Arm4GeDonIcon Arm4GeDon - TaeyaiIcon Taeyai - CvalNormalIconCval - KadeDevNormalIcon KadeDev - File:CaddicarusIcon.png Caddicarus - File:MaskedChrisIcon.png TheMaskedChris
網絡文化 SlendermanIcon Slenderman - JeffIcon Jeff The Killer -GoldIcon Gold - File:SonicExeLose.pngSonic.EXE - (Minus) - TailsEXEIconSoul Tails - KnucklesEXEIconSoul Knuckles - RobotnikEXEIconSoul Robotnik - LordXNeutralLord X - SunkyNeutralSunky.MPEG - SanicExeIconSanic.EXE - File:MarioEXENormal.png Mario.EXE - File:IHULuigiIcon.png I HATE YOU Luigi - File:WarioApparitionIcon.png Wario Apparation (File:WarioApparitionMMIcon.png Mario's Madness) File:MXMMIcon.png MX - File:AntiPiracyMarioIcon.png Anti-Piracy Mario - HappyMouseDeathIconSuicide Mouse - (File:UnknownSufferingIcon.png Wednesday's Infidelity, File:SuicideMouseIcon.png Mouse, File:Randy Hilson mickey normal icon.png Craziness Injection) - AltSuicideMickeyIcon Alt Suicide Mouse - File:CostumeIcon.png Costume - File:RedMistIcon.pngSuicide Squidward(File:Suicide Squidward Icon Neutral.png SpongeBob Media) - File:Sponge.avi Icons Neutral.png Sponge.avi - File:HerobrineALTIcon.png Herobrine - File:Spingebill Icon Neutral.png SpingeBill - TrickysquidwardIcon Trickward - Catastrophe Crow - Ronald Icon Ronald McDonald - Polar Bear - Cartoon Cat - Trollface -JackStickmanNormal Jack Stickman - FlowerIcon Mope Mope - Trollface/Trollge - John_Piss - TrollNewIcon A Bunch Of Mod Makers) - File:TrollgeGroup2022.png Blueballs Incident Trolls - Anonymous - Weegee Neutral Weegee - Sanic - Chrome Dino - TikymaskneutraliconTiky - IRL Senpai - 4tanIcon /v/-tan - CancerIcon Cancer Lord - MLG-Tan MLG-Tan - SMG4BobNeutral Bob Bobowski - DeadPeashooterIcon Dead Peashooter - File:CarmenIcon.png Carmen Winstead - File:ChiknIcon.png Chikn Nuggit - File:CheeTTIcon.pngCheezborger - File:IscreamNewIcon.png Iscream - File:SodyIcon.pngSody Pop - File:SlushiIcon.pngSlushi - File:CofiIcon.pngCofi - File:FanonCharaIcon.png Fanon Chara - File:NormaL Neutral.png - Normal SpongeBob- File:Brash-neutral.png - Bold and Brash
其他 FLChanAzIcon FL Chan (2022) - New Aloe Icon Mano Aloe - NinomaeIcon Ninomae Ina'nis - FleetwayIcon Fleetway Super Sonic (File:PhantasFleetwayIcon.png Chaos Nightmare) - Michael Jackson - Lucky Boy - Fun Sized Zardy - Kasane Teto - Beastie - Toilet - Dust Sans - Picardia - Baby - FireIce - Master GraceyIcon Master Gracey - Among Dream - Withered Toy SonicIcon Withered Toy Sonic- BB icon Bonzi - File:SaxtonHaleIcon.png Saxton Hale - px Simone - File:ProtoBFicon.png Proto Boyfriend
